William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

“Romeo and Juliet” is a romantic tragedy written by William

Shakespeare in 1595, which is over 400 years ago.

Romeo and Juliet are “two star-crossed lovers”, who fell in love at

first sight and struggle through circumstances, which ends with their


There are some characters that are to blame for their deaths and some

more than others.

The Montagues are someway to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet

because of the feud have with the Capulets. However they are not one

of the main protagonists in the play.

On the other hand the Capulets are greatly to blame. For example

after Tybalts death if they did not force Juliet to marry Paris then

she would not have taken the position.

Before she does take it, Lord Capulet gets very aggressive towards

Juliet,” Get thee to church on Thursday, or never look me in face.” He

says this to threaten Juliet as if to say if you do not do this then

never come near me again.

At this point Juliet's mother, Lady Capulet, does not help Juliet

when she refuses to marry Paris, but simply washes her hands of

Juliet, ”Talk not to me for I’ll not speak a word.” This suggests that

Lady Capulet is not a very strong mother figure. This could have an

effect on Juliet as she may to have anyone to look up to, and

therefore would not want to strive for anything.

Where as the Nurse has been like a mother to Juliet and the nurse

would do anything to see Juliet happy,” I am a drudge and toil in your


This can help back the idea that the nurse acts as a go-between with

Romeo and Juliet. For example when she goes to Romeo to arran...

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Romeo is one of the protagonists in the play.

In some peoples opinion he is to blame for his own death

because he makes very rash decisions, like when he is banished he

still goes back to Verona.

Also he does not think before he acts, such as his impulsive

killings, where he kills Paris for no reason. However when he kills

Tybalt he does it out of anger for Mercutio.

When Romeo speaks he uses a lot of oxymoron’s, which make him, sound

like a confused character,” O brawling love, O loving hate.”

In conclusion I think that Romeo and Juliet are to blame for their

own deaths because Juliet is a very strong willed character and would

not take no for an answer and Romeo is confused and rash. Also the

fact that they make the decision that they can not live with out each

other and take their lives.

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