William Golding's Lord Of The Flies Leadership Essay

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What would it be like if there was a place where there was not an appointed authority? Would an evil and savage nature shine through, or would the inherent good of humanity prevail? In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, written in 1954, he challenges this question. This novel focuses primarily on two boys, Ralph, who naturally assumed the position as leader, but lost it. And Jack, who initially had to fight for leadership, but eventually gained the role with the respect of the other boys. But what needs to be taken into consideration are the two boys who aided their leadership styles. One character filled Jack with evil and the other reminded Ralph of the light and what was most important. Without these characters Jack and Ralph …show more content…

Ralph who was open to the opinions and helpfulness of others was made leader first. Not because of intellectuality, because of his appearance. “There was a stillness about Ralph as he sat that marked him out; there was his size, and attractive appearance…” (Golding 20) Because he was older and better looking the young children saw him best fit to be a leader. Ralph knew that the only way to be rescued from the island was to make a fire with enough smoke that it could be seen by ships passing by. So one of his first steps as being the leader was to divvy up jobs between the boys. He and of the others would switch between watching the fire and Jack would continue to be the leader of the choir boys. Ralph said, “Jack’s in charge of the choir. They can be -- what do you want them to be?” (Golding 20). Jack responded with, “Hunters.”(Golding 20). This is the first place in the novel that shows Jack's lust for blood. “Then dog-like uncomfortably on all fours yet heeding his discomfort, he stole forward five yards and stopped.” (Golding 50) Throughout the rest of the novel Jack’s animalistic behavior becomes progressively worse until he kills a pig, which leads up to him killing another boy on the island. Even just in the beginning of the text you can see the difference between these two characters, but how they were able to get along, until the introduction of a few other

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