Why people join cults

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CULTS I. Introduction Thesis: The forces that draw individuals into cults can be explained by psychological doctrine. II. What is a cult A. Brief description B. Types of cults 1. religious 2. psychotherapy or personal growth 3. political 4. popular or faddist III. Popular cult groups A. People's Temple B. David Koresh C. Heaven's Gate D. The Family IV. Charismatic group A. Brief desciption B. Characterization V. Sigmund Freud's beliefs A. Belonging to a group B. Super-ego VI. Thought Reform A. Brief description B. How thought reform works VII. Effects of a cult A. Stress B. Isolation C. New lifestyle D. Dissociative E. Anxiety F. Personality disorders VIII. Conclusion IX. References CULTS What makes a person join a cult? What happens in a person's life to make them completely change they way they used to talk and act? Many are puzzled about the mysterious happenings in a cult member's life. They wonder how one could become involved in such a group. The forces that draw individuals into cults can be explained by psychological doctrine. Many in the psychology field have sought to provide answers to the various questions that society has. A cult is a structured group, most of whose members demonstrate unquestionable loyalty to a dynamic leader. The cult leader governs most, if not all, aspects of the lives o... ... middle of paper ... ... Cults entice people whom by nature want to belong to a group and make it hard for them to leave by altering their thought processes. Those in the psychology field have defined what makes up a cult, have determined what draws individuals in and have recognized the effects that a cult can have on one's life. These attempts have been made to enlighten society about a taboo topic that is rapidly forcing itself into the lives of all. REFERENCES Galanter, M. (1989). Cults Faith, Healing, and Coercion. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc. Lifton, R., foreword, Cults In Our Midst, by Margaret Thaler Singer & Lalich (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995). MacHovec, F. (1989) Cults and Personality. Springfield: Charles C Thomas. Roth, M. (1998). Freud Conflict and Culture. New York: Alfred A, Knopf, Inc. Young-Bruehl, foreword, What Freud Really Said, by David Stafford-Clark (London: McDonald & Co., 1965).

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