Why does Carol Ann Duffy put Little Red Cap at the beginning of the

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Why does Carol Ann Duffy put Little Red Cap at the beginning of the

collection and Demeter at the end? How effective do you think they are

as first and last poems?

In Carol Ann Duffy’s collection of poems, “The Worlds Wife” the first

and last poems are vital to the collection. The opening poem must

successfully introduce the themes and style of poems in the collection

and the final poem should conclude the collection.

Little Red Cap successfully introduces themes that are present

throughout the collection. Sexuality is a theme that is present in

most of the poems and Little Red Cap is no exception. Duffy writes

“which flew, straight, from my hands to his open mouth”, this is a

metaphor for Little Red Cap’s virginity this introduces the reader to

the theme of sexuality but much more subtly than the majority of other

poems. Duffy may be subtler in Little Red Cap purposefully in order to

make her following poems transgressive to the reader. In order to

continue to shock the reader she cannot be too dreadful in the first

poem the reader may become bored with the poems. Also the first poem

should just be a taste of what is to come and Duffy does this


Another prominent idea or theme throughout the collection of poems is

feminism. Little Red Cap coincides with this theme. Little Red Cap

kills the wolf; the death of the male character occurs frequently in

many poems such as Delilah, Queen Kong and Mrs. Lazarus. The death of

the male is very significant in showing the how feminist the poems

are, it shows the female having power over the male. Little Red Cap

introduces the principle of feminism effectively, making the reader

understand that the poem is written with feministic views in mind.


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...ng’s flowers" these two lines are obviously

very similar and may explain their positions in the collection. The

tone of the two similar lines are severely different, Demeter is more

calm and collected whereas Little Red Cap appears more bitter and

sinister. This change in tone could well indicate the change of tone

in terms of over the whole collection therefore Demeter does conclude

the collection effectively showing the change in tone and character

experienced by the reader.

To conclude I feel the positioning of Demeter and Little Red Cap was

effective in introducing themes and style to the reader and concludes

the collection effectively. Although Demeter can be seen as completely

in contrast to the other poems but I feel this works to Duffy’s

advantage in ending the collection on a calm note leaving the reader

to reflect on the collection as a whole.

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