Why Women Should Stay Home And Be The Homemakers?

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Women are pretty vital for civilization and society to continue, they are a big portion of keeping the Earth populated and supplying the world with new futures. Women are great homemakers and supporters of the family, they are especially good at motivating males. Many people used to say that women should stay home and be the homemakers, making dinners, helping with homework, and most importantly having the children. Just a few decades ago this was how women were perceived and treated, now we have a different opinion and view on this topic. In this day in age women go out and get their education, work for their families and to support all the members in their household, they aren’t just looked at as the people that stay home all day. Women aren’t as dependent upon males anymore, but they still love them the same, now they are just more independent and they are able to prove their worth outside of the home. When you look at history you …show more content…

There are different kinds of strong women in this world, some can go out and work, but then there are the ones that stay home and are the homemakers. The women that stay home aren’t weaker than those who go out and, work they just have different responsibilities. Most stay at home mothers don’t go on and get more education past high school, but that doesn’t mean they don’t learn anything new or they just stay where they ended, many learn new house tips and different ways to do things to help their home and husband. Stay at home mothers shouldn’t be condemned because they aren’t taking advantage of the way that had been paved for them, but they should be praised just the same as working women because they go through a lot all day and they are raising new generations to become wonderful and caring people to make the world a better

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