Why Study World Religion Essay

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Students of the biology major need to study world religion as a requirement. Biology major students can be doctors, pharmacists or any job of the medical career. Religion is a series of beliefs and rituals that humans believe in. Some religions forbid doing specific acts that is related to biology or the medical field. Religion beliefs sometimes can prevent doctors from saving someone’s life. Students of biology major study world religion because it is important to know what religions believe about humans, what is forbidden in religions about the human beings, and how to deal with the different religions beliefs. First of all, world religion is important to know what religions believe about humans. Some religions believe that humans has …show more content…

Most the students after graduation from the biology major will choose a track to study which is for the medical field, also they deal with different people every day who has different religions than theirs. Students need to respect every wish for their future patients about their health because this translates the respect for their beliefs. When a patient ask their doctor to not use specific medicines, the doctor should have the understanding of different cultures. The United States population is created by people from all over the world and different cultures, so every student should learn about it to respect it and make their career life …show more content…

Although religions can be sometimes against the sciences theories, students or the future doctors can relate between them together to make it easier for their future patients. For example, the evolution theory is against the existence of God which makes science against religion. Studying the religions will make the students connect between what they know and the science to understand the others beliefs. For example, the bible clears that God created the universe and explains it day by day in Genesis. Also Muslims are forbidden to eat pork meat and after scientists tried to know why they discovered that the pig eats everything in front of them and that is not acceptable for Muslims. Furthermore some religions has conditions for medicines which effects the health of the people who practices those

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