Many American children who earned a high school diploma end up pursuing a bachelor’s degree and further more a graduate degree. These individuals often start right away or after a year later at a credible university or 2 year college. Out of the students who decided to pursue school, not everyone end up with the bachelors degree they went to school for. These students drop out or defers based on circumstances, lack of motivation, and also lack of financial, emotional and physical support. The purpose of my paper is to highlight one of the big factors why students drop out of college. This factor is the lack of motivation they might be facing within their personal life. This paper will help guide universities on some issues that students may have, especially those who have little or no support from home. It will provide the universities and educators with ideas on how to help these students, either …show more content…
When I talk of completing College and furthering education, I am referring to individuals who have earned and receive a bachelor’s, or pursuing a masters, JD or Medical degree at an accredited college or university. The second concept that I will present is single-family home; it includes a child who has been raised with one parental figure, usually mother or father. The third concept is traditional household, and it includes a child raised by both their mother and father under the same roof. The fourth concept that I will be presenting is what I mean by support. Support is having your parents help with school needs. Moving away for college is a financial sacrifice that most family has to make and sometimes it is very hard for a single-family home to be able to make it, especially on a one-person salary. Support includes, helping with room and board fees, room and board items, supporting the students till they have a job, transportation,
When a young adult decided to go to college they have a very big decision to make about what their future will hold and where their future will begin. Once the decision has been made and college has begun, new friends are made and the actions they do shape who they will become. Weekends come and go, but the decisions that are made are different for each and every individual that attends college. There are those who choose to stay on campus and spend the weekend doing things around school with new friends, others choose to go home for different reasons, such as being homesick and wanting to be with family or spending the time off of school for work to help pay for tuition, also there are the students who choose to go to other institutions to see new friends they have made or visit old ones from high school. What I am attempting to understand is with my target population, is not only what the group chooses to do with their weekend time, but also to try and understand why they choose to do what they do with that time.
Every single individual has once heard the words “get good grades, go to a good college and graduate, in order to get a good job and succeed in life.” However, no one can really assure that a student with a degree is going to have a better future than those who do not attend college. Lawrence B. Schlack, a retired superintendent, asserts in his article “Not Going to College is a Viable Option” that college is not the only place to go after graduating from high school. By using different kinds of persuasive techniques the author effectively supports his claim and makes the article an understandable and important tool for both parents and students who believe that college is their mandatory option after high school.
According to Leonhardt, many people who drop out usually plan to go back eventually to get their degrees, but very few actually do. According to “Access to Attainment”, approximately 65% of all job openings will require postsecondary education by the year 2020 and “many of the long-standing programs and policies designed to foster access no longer supports the needs of today’s students” (Miller, et al. 5). The availability of higher education to the public has greatly changed over time, and thus the system and the programs must adapt as well to continue providing the best access and opportunities possible to individuals. “….a college education matters much more now than it once did” (Leonhardt). Lower-class students coming from low-income high schools might not have the same opportunities for learning as their upper-class counterparts, and as a result they are less likely to be accepted to elite universities. The education system is beneficial for many but it is flawed as well, especially in preparing high schoolers for college, which has the potential to greatly impact their
A look back at the institution of education over the past 20 years will reveal that once upon a time a bachelor’s degree was long since considered the marker of ultimate success, the highest level of achievement that one could make in their lives. In those days, if for some reason you failed to march across the stage on graduation day after an epic, four-year stretch of high tuition, long nights studying, and unrelenting professors that found great joy in riding your back, then you had indeed failed at life.
In my community, El Sereno, college is viewed as an option as opposed to it being the next step in life. Most people in my area either begin working or start a family after they graduate from high school. Not always by choice, but in some cases by circumstance. Students in my neighborhood either lack the knowledge, financial support, guidance or even legal status that would otherwise drive them to apply or even go to college. About eighty-percent of students graduated from my high school, but only about twenty-percent ended up attending a four-year university (NINCHE). One of the biggest reasons for student’s low college entrance rate has to deal with their family's socioeconomic
Some freshman students might lack the motivation to do well in school because they do further the lack of appropriate role models or mentors in the Academic environment. These difficulties can be tied to lack of support at home the parents might not be concerned about their child education, maybe the parent lacks the ability to guide through college, the parent might not process having not navigated it themselves. The parents might feel embarrassed that they don’t have any knowledge to help them
Despite the initiatives used by universities to resolve the issue with retention amongst this group of students, there is a relatively high rate of first generation students not returning to college. The “combined portrait” facing first year students is one of students at academic risk, where a disproportionally low number succeed in college. They are more likely to leave at the end of the first year and less likely to stay enrolled or attain a bachelor’s degree after five years (Stuber, 2008). Dr. McKay ,a professor at the University of Oklahoma in a study found that approximately 43% of FGS leave college before finishing a degree where the drop-out rate of non-first generation student is 20% (McKay & Estrella, 2008)
Students are faced with these problems when deciding whether continuing their education is the right choice. In today’s competitive climate, there is no time to waste. The US as a nation is being left behind by other governments that have focused on funding education. Students in other nations are taking advantage of the educational tools and services available to them in order to progress in life.... ...
to about 83 percent of high school graduates enroll in some form of postsecondary education, but only about 52 percent of students complete their degrees. Further, a very small proportion of students complete a degree in four years—“among students starting at ‘four-year’ institutions, only 34 percent finish a B.A. in four years, 64 percent within six years, and 69 percent within eight and a half years.” Colleges always want students to graduate and support their alma mater. However this begins with deciding what student are mentally readiness and determination for the task that lies ahead, college. In today’s society we struggle trying to find a proper definition for college readiness. This is the main reason statistics and graduation rates suffer in the way that they do. Just because a high school student reaches the age of 18, obtains a high school diploma, and has functional literacy, does that really make students college ready?
Another reason we drop out of college is that we want to be independent. A lot of news has been saying that students are sensitive during the adolescence. Because of adolescence, they may think that school is “nothing”, it is just a waste of time. Also, facts have been saying that more and more students are being independent related to the school. A good reason that they are independent is that they want to have their own money. However, when we don’t know how to say no and face whatever problems may cause, we often use to drop out of college to avoid difficulties.
The causes are almost certainly many and consistent. What seems inescapable is the conclusion that dropping out of school is one of the important factors related to the difficulties of people. The causes of dropping out reveal families in trouble. All too often, families with areas of high pressure are characterized by single parents, lack of parenting skills, and substance abuse. The most common causes of dropping out are money, family, and time management.
First important reason why students drop out school is tuition expenses. In high schools and lower education, most of schools are funded by government, so parents does not much their budget for their children. In higher education, however, parents have to pay tuition. That is a painful problem for poor family. In poor families, they have low salary. Every single dollar is worth for them to survive such as homeless. They better have money for food than go to university because fo...
It is often said that education should come before anything else. “Education is the most important factor in the development of the country” (“Education”). However, this is not always true in terms of the success of one’s collegiate career. Education is not every student’s top priority, and there are many ways to live successfully after college without focusing on the academic part as your top priority. Only about 30 percent of Americans complete a bachelor’s degree by their mid-20s, with another 10 percent completing an associate’s degree by then (Paulson). Not everyone’s top priority is academics, with many alternatives and goals to pursue, many people drop-out or simply stop trying and eventually flunk out. H...
Usually, students go away to the college or university of their dream to further their education and to learn to live on their own. However, many pupils are realizing that they don’t have to go far, or let alone leave their bedroom to get their education. Students are staying at home as they get their education instead of going to another state. Education has converted to being a lot more moldable, and students can go back and forth from home to school or even do online classes. The positivity factors include not having to pay for living quarters and the tuition of staying at home is way less then leaving. Even with all of these differences students are still faced with decision of staying home or
A life without a diploma is a hard one, and little to no people are successful without one. Receiving a GED or dropping out of high school is not the smartest or optimal decision students’ make in their lives. It can affect their mental abilities, social tendencies, health, and job-receiving probabilities in an adverse fashion. Leaving secondary school earlier than the graduation date damages students’