Why Should Children Be Allowed To Drink Alcohol

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Parents teach their children how to swim, how to ride a bicycle, and how to drive a car. Why not teach them how to drink alcohol in a responsible way? Minors under the age of 21 should be allowed to drink alcohol in their homes with their parents consent because it is a safe and controlled way to teach them to be responsible about alcohol, because we should treat our 18 year old minors like the adults that they are in the eyes of the government, and because it builds trust between parents and children. Teaching kids to drink responsibly allows them to learn their limits in a safe environment. They learn the consequences and pleasures of drinking alcohol. They will be less likely to abuse alcohol later, like with binge drinking or sneaking …show more content…

Why shouldn’t they have the right to drink alcohol if they are considered adults? We should treat minors like adults when it comes to drinking, gambling and punishment. They are going to experiment with alcohol anyways, why not let them do it in a safe and controlled setting. Another reason to let minors drink alcohol in the presence of their parents is that is builds trust between them. They develop an openness and will likely tell their parents about things that come up instead of trying to hide it. Most kids would choose to drink alcohol with their parents rather than go to a party without them knowing. Most parents think a message of abstinence doesn’t stand a chance against social pressures. By the time they turn 21, 86% of American youths have used alcohol according to the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use & Health. ( ) Would it really be a better world if youths could not learn how to stay safe while using alcohol? I say we should teach them the responsibilities that come with drinking alcohol and let them drink at home under the supervision of their parents. It teaches them to be responsible drinkers, our 18 year olds should be treated like the adults that they are, and it really builds trust and openness between parents and

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