Why Santa Should Abominate Physics

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Whenever I was very young, I guess you could say that I was also very gullible. I believed most of what people told me was right. All of the holiday myths would miraculously be plausible, even if they couldn’t be. People, mainly adults, only gave me the abridged version of the truth. One of these myths I was sure was true up until about fourth grade is Santa Claus. I didn’t question why the logic of Santa was so askew. I’d write letters to Santa Claus, leave out cookies and milk and carrots, along with a sundry of other off-the-wall Christmas traditions. These included, sprinkling reindeer dust outside, and going to bed early so Santa wouldn’t skip our house. As a result of the withering beliefs in Santa across the globe, adults try to aggrandize the Santa Claus myth in attempt to make the ambiance of Christmas more special. In days of yore people have scrutinized all of the aspects of Santa Claus and some of the truths are appalling. Some very astute people have made this out-of-the box myth seem more real to children, but some of these truths must go unmasked.
To start out the list of impossible truths, for all of the houses out there without chimneys, like mine, how does he get in? Does he commit breaking and entering? Most houses have chimneys, but even with the mythical entrance, he still wouldn’t fit in the hole. Whoever had the “brilliant” idea to pose Santa as a glutton could’ve made him skinnier to make this one more possible.
Thanks to the abstruse time zones on Earth, Santa would have approximately thirty-one hours of Christmas. There are about two billion children on Earth, so Santa would have to visit ninety-one point eight million houses. This means he would visit 1,063 houses per second. If he could do this he...

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...s team, will be hit by centrifugal forces 17,500.06 times greater than gravity. This means that Santa would be glued to the back of his sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds of force. His internal organs, not expecting to be pounded with that amount of force, would explode Santa inside to out. As harrowing as it might seem, if Santa Claus ever distributed presents on Christmas Eve, the aftermath consists of a his jolly-old tombstone in the North Pole.
Even though Santa and his team would be vaporized from the mass of the sleigh and the sleigh’s speeds, it’s a child’s decision whether they believe in this myth or not. The work of adults becomes more amenable as physics is finally applied to Santa. You worry that children will discover the truth. But really when you are caught up in the magic, science and physics doesn’t even cross the mind, especially if you are a child.

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