Why People Need To Be Vaccinated

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People need to get vaccinations to help fight against disease. First off, people need to be vaccinated to prevent the spread of disease and viruses. Second, being sick is not fun at all. Finally, not being vaccinated can prevent you from being in school because of certain district rules. Those are just a few reasons of why you need to get vaccinated. Back to my first point about why vaccines are recommended, you don’t want to spread diseases. Diseases/viruses can be deadly in some cases or could have serious impacts on one’s health and well-being. In addition, a wide spread virus can make it hard to stop if not many people have been vaccinated. If a virus gets around to enough people it can keep spreading until there is a huge group of people with the disease that will continue to spread. That is some of the reasons you need to take every precaution to make sure you don’t spread the disease. …show more content…

You will not be able to go to work or school if you have a virus. If you miss school or work you will most likely need to catch up on things and you may not get paid depending on how long you are out. Finally, not being able to do some activities that you enjoy is really boring because you sometimes have nothing to do that you would enjoy. There is another reason of why you need to get yourself the proper vaccinations. Finally, you may not be able to attend school due to a lack of vaccinations. Some school districts have rules that prevent you from being in school without having the needed vaccinations. If you aren’t in school you will not be able to do some work that you need to do to pass the class. Second, if you aren’t vaccinated you could then spread the germs to your peers which could spread it to even more people. Lastly, getting vaccinated also gives you a much lower chance of getting a virus or disease than someone without them that is in your

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