Why Killer Whales Belong In The Ocean Not Seaworld Analysis

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Jerry Adler in the article, Why Killer Whales Belong In The Ocean Not Seaworld suggests that seaworld trainers needs to let the whales stay in the ocean where they belong, and don't mess with them at all, because if you bring them to seaworld they are just going to want to get to know you then after a while they may kill you. Adler supports his explanation by explaining in this article, this is an problem and an solution to solve, about whales being in the ocean instead of seaworld. According to the article Adler stated that he trained killer whales for 12 years at seaworld theme parks. This statement provided that Hargrove was an whistleman to get the attention of the 8,000 pound animal swimming in an tank In this passage Adler stated

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