Why Is The Death Penalty Cheaper Than Living In Prison

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Did you know that the tax money that you pay out of your paychecks every month is going to people in prison supplying them for what the mistakes they have made? Today our government and court system have 2 ways of punishing high crime culprits. We have the death penalty (Put on death row if your state allows it), or life imprisonment which is just the rest of your life in prison. Basically, criminals would be suffering if it weren’t for the people outside of imprisonment. This brings me to my point about how life imprisonment is cheaper than the death penalty. Cases without the death penalty cost $740,000, while cases, where the death penalty is sought, cost $1.26 million. Maintaining each death row prisoner costs taxpayers $90,000 more per year than a prisoner in general population. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- 35% mentioning it. "Save taxpayers money" and "they deserve it" …show more content…

This can be a reasonable method in some instances but how do you always know the courts are right, the evidence doesn’t always put the correct way (Usually does). WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans who favor the death penalty most often cite "an eye for an eye" as the reason they hold their position. The way the death penalty came about was to stop criminals from doing the repeat crimes they do but obviously didn’t work all the time. The reason this doesn't work is that some crimes like homicide happen on the spur of the moment or they are defending themselves and still get charged with homicide. But this could be effective for repeat offenders of other crimes that get them to stop completely doing the things that they

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