Why Is It Unethical To Whitewash The Film?

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Moreover, the trend enforces POC to take villain roles while giving hero roles to Caucasians. These films lead the children into thinking whites are better than colours, creating an unethical image of the word. It crushes the dreams of the children to think POC can be a hero to others, rather than extras and side characters. As both of the viewpoints demonstrates the negative impact it has on the audience, it comes to a conclusion that whitewashing in films are unethical. Why Is It Unethical to Whitewash the Film? Consideration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) would be a start in analyzing if this trend is ethical or unethical. Extra attention on legal responsibilities, ethical responsibilities, and philanthropic responsibilities were …show more content…

The theory was carefully addressed with four main characteristics on this contrast; producer casted a Caucasian for a POC role vs. producer casted a POC for a POC role. This was an important question to consider in order to predict the result with consequentialism. If Caucasian was casted for POC role, the result would be the same, meaning there would be many voices criticizing this cast. In addition, it would be changing the pure basis of a story by changing the character’s ethnicity background. On the contrast, there would not be as much negative consequences if POC was casted for POC roles, as there are not any criticisms to Caucasians for being casted as Caucasians roles. Hedonism represented a similar idea as consequentialism. The trend of Caucasians replacing POC roles has brought a harm in creating a negative POC stereotypes, however, this stereotypes would not have been created if the proper roles were given to proper actors. If Mr. Yunoishi was casted with a Japanese actor, its character would not have had to look ridiculous throughout the films. Maximalism and universalism parts of the theory was analyzed additionally, for a thorough decision. Minimizing the negative consequences that were mentioned above would also be a way in maximizing the well-being for the greatest number of people; disappearance of negative POC stereotypes and criticism against whitewashing. As casting Asians for Caucasian roles reflects the producer’s interest, it would be stated to cast POC or POC roles to be ethical. Overall, four characteristics of the utilitarian theory clearly states one answer to this question: It is unethical to present false image to the audience due to an influence of the whitewashed film

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