Why Is It Ethical To Lie

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Viewing this case as unethical, may lead to a few potential disagreements. A person could argue that perhaps people need to be lied to because they are not mentally capable of handling the full extent of the truth or that the reporters are lying for the greater good. While both of these arguments do have some truth behind them, there are reasons that reporting false information is unacceptable and unethical. If a person were to bring up the disagreement that people need to be lied to because they are not mentally capable of handling the full extent of the truth, I would be able to see where their though process is coming from, but I would agree with their statement. While lying is sometimes acceptable if a person is trying to benefit a person …show more content…

If a reporter lies to the public though, the lie is unethical because the information not being told is important and even though some people may not be capable of handling the full impact of the report, many people are in fact able to process the truthful information correctly. Leading me to the idea that information should not be withheld if people can make educated conclusions with the knowledge provided. Why would information be withheld or falsified if some people are capable of using that information to form their own opinions? Simply put, we can not withhold information from an entire group of people if a few people in that said group are not capable of forming their own opinion and coming to …show more content…

While helping people by lying is sometimes acceptable, it is necessary to look at who is doing the lying and what their relationship is with the person being lied to. Looking at the adoption example again, it is ok for the parent to lie to the child about being adopted. The parent might have several reasons for withholding such information, whether it be that they want their kid to have normal childhood without questioning their identity, they do not want their kid questioning their authority, the kid is just too young to understand what being adopted truly means, or they made a promise to the birth mother. Any of these reasons are acceptable up until a certain point, eventually the parent will have to tell the kid, but it does not have to be immediately. The parent has the right to lie about the fact that their child is adopted because it is the parent’s sole responsibility to look after and care for the child and if it is in the child’s best interest the information can be withheld. A reporter publishing falsified information just does not fall into the same category. While the reporter may lie with the purpose of helping society, it is the reporters duty and responsibility to publish accurate, unbiased information, so that the public can form their own opinions. It is not the reporter’s duty to look out

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