Why Is Frankenstein A Hero

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To start off, let me tell you a little about Frankenstein the novel by Mary Shelly. Mary Shelly and some friend’s decided to write some ghost stories and Mary couldn’t figure out what to write about until she got her idea from her nightmare that she got. She wrote about this novel about Frankenstein who created a monster or a corpse brought dead people back to life. When he got enough power he brought this monster back to life. He ran away from this monster because it was hideous and scary. I think that Frankenstein is a villain and a hero and the same time.
First of all, the reasons why I think that Frankenstein is a hero because he was able to create something amazing. He brought something back to life. That takes a lot of electricity because just like when people are on their death bed then the doctor will give their hearts a zap to get their bodies working again. I think that Frankenstein was a very smart man because he attended a university in Ingolstadt. He knew what he was doing. He would collect bones, blood ect. He would then do test on the supplies that he had. …show more content…

The monster had to learn on his own and do things for himself. The monster knew that he ugly so he decides to confront the creator and tell him to create a women as ugly he was so they could live with each other. So the creator decides to make a women but before he was done he destroys the women. He told him he will never make anyone like you again. The monster got really mad and told him that he was going to kill everyone he was close to and he did so he pay for what he had done. I think this ties into our live we are reasonable for our own actions. If we don’t take that reasonability then how will we be successful in our

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