Why Is Football Important To Me

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The great Vince Lombardi once said “Football is like life – it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication, and respect of authority.” My father introduced me to football and has coached me for the last 12 years. I'm extremely passionate and dedicated to football, and love the extraordinary sport. With the help from my father and football I learned life lessons in ways that were positive and negative. From a young age I was introduced to football. My Father has been my coach my whole life. Football has played a huge role in our relationship. Spending time going to games, watching games, and coaching me. He taught me life lessons that couldn't be taught in any other way, and our bong flourished. He taught me that just like in life you have to compete for what you want , with others, and with yourself. I learned how to be discipline; From the schemes my coaches drew up, to keep my grades above a certain level, discipline was a needed aspect of the game. I learned how to be accountable. Individuals don't win football games, Teams do. To be on a team, you must learn to be accountable to the people around you and if one fails we all fail. The most important life lesson and the lesson that affected me most during my life is …show more content…

After our first game I got a text from a good friend of mine and said I needed to read this, I clicked the link to Topix. There was around 70 comments ridiculing my weight, athletic ability, family, character, and anything to make a person feel like dirt. I remember leaving the dinner table to go outside and punch the air and calm down the emotions flowing through me. I was so angry because these people didn't see how hard I worked, how many times I wanted to quit but didn’t, the early mornings and late nights, The pressure I was under. How I was having no fun playing the sport I love. They didn’t know me and they didn’t

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