Why Is Boo Radley Mysterious

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“Inside the house lived a malevolent phantom. People said he existed, but Jem and i had never seen him. People said he went out at night when the moon was down, and peeped in windows. When people’s azaleas froze in a cold snap, it was because he had breathed on them. Any stealthy small crimes committed in Maycomb were his work.”(Lee 10) Scout and Jem are very curious so they can find mysteries out of anything. This situation may be mysterious because Boo Radley has never been seen for about 30-40 years and that is very odd and unusual. Due to his small crimes in the past people assume he is the reason for all the crimes done in Maycomb so the house takes on an evil reputation. Those rumors about him make Jem and Scout even more curious and so they want …show more content…

Atticus was never in this type of situation before. For Jem and Scout Atticus dealing with gang type stuff was new and peculiar, to the, Atticus was just an old man to them. Jem and Scout find this mysterious because they haven’t faced these types of things before. “‘Hey Boo,’ I said” (Lee 362) This would be a mysterious part for the readers because Boo pops out of nowhere and we find out he is the one who brought Jem home. So despite what the rumors are about him he is a good man and the reason Jem is alive. At this part we also get to see Boo for the first time which is very exciting and nerve wrecking. He was the mystery man all this time and now we finally get to find of who he really is. “‘You never asked him to do odd jobs for you before?’ ‘I mighta,’consented Mayella.” (Lee 247) Mayella basically proves there’s something else going on because she has asked Tom to do many odd jobs in the past and there was a reason for that. She proves that him coming over wasn’t new and he had done it many time before without any problems occurring. In addition, she was not telling the full truth and what really happened that

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