Why Do People Use Steroids?

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Canadian runner Ben Johnson races off the blocks and down the track with 7 other runners behind him. He zooms across the finish line and was awarded the gold medal for the 100 meter dash at the 1988 Seoul Summer Olympics. Johnson was tested for use of performance enhancing drugs later that day and he tested positive. He was stripped of his medal and he was suspended from competing in Track and Field for 2 years (Chittom, 2). The use of performance enhancing drugs have been the headline of of international ethical debates for many years. Although they are very popular, these drugs, also known as anabolic steroids, are very dangerous. In-fact, there have been many deaths of people who have used these drugs. Overall, they are not beneficial at all. Performance enhancing drugs have had a negative effect on professional sports because they have dangerous side effects, they create an unfair advantage for …show more content…

Every athlete that uses these types of drugs are trying to increase their athletic ability and make themselves faster, stronger, and more durable. Athletes who don’t use them are relying on their hard work and dedication, which is better for their health and their self-esteem. Sadly, those athletes are often beaten by those who are artificially improving their athletic ability. Many of today’s successful athletes take steroids and other performance enhancing drugs, and not only do they do well, but they beat most other athletes who don’t use them. These drugs are constantly making competitive sports more unfair and are making it less likely for people who don’t use steroids to succeed in athletics. Not only does that affect the athletes, but it effects the sport as a whole. It has a negative effect on professional sports and that effect is only going to get worse if performance enhancing drugs are not

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