Why Do People Use Recreational Drugs?

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The use of marijuana in a recreational manner, can lead to memory deficit amongst those who use it long term. The recent debate is whether the use of recreational marijuana leads on to adult memory deficit within adolescent users, or if it occurs within the bodies of long term recreational users. Cannibas is an illegal form of drug abuse, which contains the chemical ‘delta-9-tetrahydronalcannibonal’, (‘THC’). This drug is commonly used amongst the adolescent groups, considered to be of 18 years, according to psychologists, who are developing from a child to an adult, who use the drug harmlessly. To be used recreationally means it’s used without any medical justification, which people hope for positive emotions and feelings, which alters their state of mind, which becomes more addictive every time it’s taken. This essay will explore the idea of cannibas, and the effect it has on those long term users who use it recreationally. …show more content…

Adolescent teens especially have found this drug useful as they grow older, to distract them from their own problems. The relationship between the drug and memory deficit hasn't been solved, however it has been found that the long term users are most likely to suffer compared to non-users and those who use it once. It is even stated that the THC drug is said to be the reason behind the extinction of bad memories people develop as they grow

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