Why Do People Kill Native Americans?

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It was high sun already when little foot woke from his slumber. As he strolled out of his teepee he heard his father, Big Crow was arguing with a white man “This is our land we signed the treaty ten summers ago for it.” “Not anymore, your chief signed our new treaty for the new reduced land.” “That chief did not meet with the council of the 44.” “That’s irrelevant, he still sighed it, with or without permission, just get into the new reservation today. Then nobody gets hurt” “Little Foot!” His mother, Green Leaf, called out “ Orange Mouse is out hunting already” “Good, I shall join him” little foot responded. It was only ten summers ago when he had moved to the reservation, it frightened him to think that he would have to take another long walk that brought so much death and sorrow to him and his tribe. The tribe had to learn many new skills like buffalo hunting when they moved to the south where farming was …show more content…

Orange Mouse knew he would miss the soldier before he even released the arrow. They arrow missed by three feet to the right, surprisingly the solder saw the arrow fly, then did nothing but walk away. Orange Mouse was furious, he dashed forward with his rabbit blood stained knife, screaming. Every soldier in a thousand foot radius turned and aimed their thunder and lightning shooters and shot. His body ragdolled and fell limp. Little Foot was having trouble keeping the rabbit in his stomach. Especially when the soldiers approached him and cut his ears and fingers. Little Foot hid in the bush for the rest of the day till the soldiers stopped looting. When the full moon crept from the east Little Foot crawled from the now familiar to him like the back of his hand. When he stood, his knees buckled under his own weight. After getting up again he finally found balance and ran as fast a he could into the

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