Why Do People Have The Right To End Their Lives Whenever They Choose To

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Part 1: Ethical Question
" Do people have a right to end their lives whenever they choose to?"
Part 2: Introduction
Death is something that happens every day yet is a topic that is most avoid. Some may argue that the ability to choose to end's one life is a personal decision, while others may feel like it's something that should be discussed with family and friends. Is there a right answer? People all over the world make the decision to end their life every day. However, the question posed is should individuals have the right to end their lives whenever there choose to or should there be stipulations and regulations to such decisions. In certain situations, a person is facing much pain that they feel there is no hope and best to just end it all. Who has the right to determine how much a person can take? As physicians are looked to for guidance and education for their situation, most trust and go with the doctor’s orders …show more content…

Ending Life
Part 3: Explanation of the Ethical Theory
For the theory, I will speak on utilitarianism. Utilitarianism as defined by Jon Stuart Mill is a theory based on the principle that “actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness (Mill Jon 2008)”. John Stuart, a nineteenth-century philosopher, argued that individuals, ultimately, are the best guardians of their interests. Utilitarianism suggests that the basis of morality is in what encourages happiness or pleasure without pain. It represents that what is done is for the good of the surroundings. An important thing to remember about utilitarianism is that being happy or pleased can be different in each person.
The act utilitarian focuses on the results or consequences of the actions taken. Regardless of the action that is chosen it should always bring a greater outcome in the situation.
Part 4: Application of the Ethical

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