Benjamin Disraeli, a British Prime Minister and Novelist, stated that, “The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.” Heroes can leave inspiring examples that influence others in the future. These examples are their legacies. Heroes leave long-lasting legacies by setting influential examples during their life, they are persistent in what they are trying to achieve, and they are not selfish, but very sacrificing.
Heroes leave legacies that influence others in the future. One person that demonstrates this is the sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln. President Lincoln fought for equality for all and didn’t give up on his belief. In the White House Funeral Sermon for Abraham Lincoln by Dr. Phineas Gurley,
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Throughout history, many heroes have risen with this personality trait. One of them is Louis Zamperini, who was a lieutenant in the US Army Air Forces and a participator in the 1936 Olympics. While on a search and rescue mission, the plane he was flying in had mechanical difficulties and they crashed. Out of the 3 survivors of the crash, Zamperini was one of them. They spent 46 days adrift in the ocean and then were finally captured by the Japanese He spent the rest of the war being severely beaten, mistreated and forced to do harsh labor until the end of the war when he was finally allowed to go home in 1945. This shows that Louis Zamperini demonstrated persistence for never giving up for 2 years filled with cruel and horrible conditions. A second hero who showed great persistence was Jackie Robinson, the first black player ever to join Major League Baseball. Jackie Robinson faced a lot of discrimination because of his color, they called him horrible names and mistreated him. However, Robinson choose not to fight back and kept doing what he loved, which inspired has inspired many people back then, and today. This shows that Jackie Robinson was persistent because he kept playing baseball, even if others were discriminating him. Heroes must be persistent when they are trying to achieve something because there’s always someone or something that is holding them …show more content…
On September 11th, 2001, terror struck the nation as two commercial airliners struck the Twin Towers in New York City. One of the heroes that came out of this tragic event was Welles Crowther, commonly known as, “The Man in the Red Bandana.” When one of the planes hit the tower, Welles led by helping people down the tower. However, he didn’t stop there. He went back up again with a group of firefighters to help more people. Sadly, the group of men didn’t make it, their bodies were discovered heading up the stairwell. Welles is a perfect example of a hero that is not selfish, because he could have easily left the tower and saved himself, but instead he stayed behind and helped others. He gave up his life in the process of this heroic deed. However, Welles wasn’t the only one who wasn’t selfish, two former Marines rushed to the scene to help. One of these men was Jason Thomas, who was dropping off his daughter at Long Island at the time. The second man, Dave Karnes, was working at his job in Connecticut. Karnes was watching the attack on the TV and decided to help, he put on his uniform and rushed to New York City. Thomas and Karnes began searching for any survivors. They found two officers who were trapped in the debris and got help. After officers were rescued, the two former marines left, but stayed on the sight for a few days to continue helping. Just like Welles, these two men could have simply stayed where they were
In order to be a hero, one must be courageous. Some people that are heroes are Susan B. Anthony and Harriet Tubman.
Do you know anything about Jackie Robinson? Well don’t worry, if you don’t I will explain to you. Jackie Robinson is an inspiration by entering the Major League Baseball and changing history. I think this because he made white players accept him and by changing segregation.
Louis “Louie” Zamperini went from the Terror of Torrance to a World War II hero. He grew from a young boy, who terrorized his town, into a record breaking runner, who competed in the Olympics. He later joined the United States Army Air Forces and served as a bombardier in World War II. After his plane crashed and he was stuck on a raft in the ocean, he was captured by the Japanese and became a prisoner of war. Louie’s resourcefulness, toughness, and defiance from his boyhood helped him to survive the relentless torment thrown at him later in life.
Under those circumstances, it was incredibly hard to stay disciplined in such an unjust environment. From the piece of text, Jackie Robinson got helped from even the black press.
Jackie Robinson, a famous black baseball player, proved to the world that just because you have a different skin color does not mean that you aren’t as good as someone with a different color skin. Jackie was the first black man to ever sign with and play for a team that was a part of the all-white major league baseball organization. He along with Branch Rickey, the manager of the dodgers who signed Robinson, broke the color barrier in baseball and led the way for other talented Negro ball players to get into the majors.
(Robinson). This proves that he broke a racial barrier that needed to be broken. Although Jackie faced threats racial slurs and more he got through it and integrated into the MLB and changed his
Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play Major League Baseball. This was not an easy task for him to do. People judged him and didn’t like him by the color of his skin. Jackie Robinson said “The hate mail piled up” (Robinson). That shows that no one cared to give him a chance to play in the Major League. The innocence of young kids had a great inspiration on Jackie Robinson because they didn’t care about his color they just wanted him to play good. Jackie Robinson was “proud to be a part of a significant breakthrough” (Robinson) in breaking the color barrier. Even though Jackie Robinson has been through
A time to remember those who died, those who served, and those who carry on.” Unknown. During 9/11, the Manhattan firefighters were responding to a gas leak when they heard the explosion from one of the twin towers. Policemen and firefighters from all around New York and surrounding areas came to help rescue the victims.
Robinson broke the color barrier, and the challenges, and his life helped him achieve his goal. Robinson finally broke the color barrier and made history in professional baseball forever. Jackie Robinson had some major challenges he had to overcome. Like players not wanting to play with him. Jackie had an amazing life and made a very big impact on the world. If it weren't for Robinsons motivation and challenges he overcame but he still achieved his goal as breaking the color
Jackie Robinson’s ability to successfully integrate his sport set the stage for many others to advocate for an end to segregation in their respective environments. His period of trials and triumphs were significant to changing American perception of the Civil Rights revolution. By becoming the first African-American baseball player to play in the major leagues, he brought down an old misconception that black athletes were inferior to white athletes. Successively, his example would inspire those advocating for their civil rights, he lived out a message of nonviolence similar to the one Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lived out. Despite the constant prejudice he faced in his sport, he was able to keep himself composed and never retaliate.
Jackie Robinson’s dedication was a crucial instrumentality to achieve his goals in life, not just to make it into the MLB league. During World War II, Jackie Robinson was drafted into the U.S army in 1942. Jackie Robinson, and many other African American soldiers applied to Officers’ Candidate School (OCS), but all were rejected (Jackie Robinson, Facing Racism in the Army). With the help of Joe Louis, famous heavyweight champion, and Jackie Rob...
Jackie Robinson did more in his short baseball career than anyone else ever did for the sport. He was always able to push on despite the criticisms and punishment he took from others. No other man can say that they broke the color barrier or that they changed the sport of baseball forever. To do what he did required strength and the ability to endure physical and mental pain. Jackie Robinson was the first African-American Major League Baseball player. He knew that if he failed to integrate baseball he could delay civil rights. By doing what he did, Jackie Robinson contributed greatly to the civil rights movement. His life experiences and hardships allowed him to leave a mark on civil rights that extended farther than just baseball.
Jackie Robinson was a black man that played a white man only sport. Jackie Robinson’s life was outstanding regardless of the obstacles that were thrown in his way in order for him to make it to the top. Jackie Robinson overcame the pain people put him through with the support of his family, friends, and his God given talent, which was playing baseball. Jackie Robinson overcame the negativity of white people during the Civil Rights Movement. For this reason, Jackie Robinson never gave up on his dream and proved people wrong. Jackie Robinson became a vocal champion for the African-American athletes around the world (“Robinson, Jackie - Black History”).
To start off, for Jackie Robinsons bravery to stop the color barrier Jackie Robinson had the courage for two years no one else had. In the article “Skin Games” Gregg Guss states, “For two full years he ‘turned the other cheek’, his brain keeping his mouth shut while his heart burned with rage at the insults he knew he must tolerate”(2). Robinson managed to do a lot even with all the abuse he suffered. He had to walk away from name calling, death threats even as a child he faced abused being the only black family who lived in a white neighborhood. In the article “Skin Games” Gregg Guss states, “The world Jackie Robinson grew up in was separate and unequal” (3). All Jackie Robinson wanted to do was make the game he loved equal for all. He wanted to show that African Americans could play any sport just as good as anyone else that there skin color did not define their talents. Although Jackie Robinson faced a lot making the path for African Americans he did it bravely, diligently...
Persuasion Throughout history there have been many struggles for freedom and equality. There was the civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King Jr. There was the fight against government censorship in Argentina, spoken against by Luisa Valenzuela. And there was the struggle for women's equality in politics, aided by First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.