Why Do Companies Need Ethical Hacking?

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The rapid technological change has brought with it a number of issues. One of the issues that it has brought is the issue of increased cybercrime conducted by black hats. Black hats target almost everyone, but we will mainly focus on attacks which occur in organizations. Hackers take advantage of the fact that more and more organizations are turning to the internet to interact with their customers, because of this the amount of critical data moving around systems is growing faster. The more information that is exchanged using technology, the more are companies putting themselves in danger of falling victims of such attacks.
The lack of awareness of data security is a contributing factor to the rapid increase of successful attacks conducted by people known as hackers. So we ask ourselves, who are these hackers and why do they do what they do? Black hat hackers also known as crackers are people who usually conduct planned attacks that are designed to steal critical information and destroy data. They gain un-authorized access to systems with the intention of causing malicious damage.

Hackers do what they do:

-To show the extent of their knowledge
-For thrill and excitement
-To get even
-For financial gain
-Intellectual challenge

Hackers being the intellectual beings that they are, they manipulate and bypass security systems without being detected by the organizations. Organizations rarely notice when there has been a breach of security this goes to show how smart hackers really are. Why do companies keep falling victims of such attacks? Most companies rely on defense tools such as firewalls, anti-virus software’s, DPI firewalls, etc. as defense that protects their confid...

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...cedures when employing ethical hackers, they need to ensure that the process is conducted in terms of a contractual agreement that sets out the scope, boundaries, limitations and other specifics to the assignment.
• At the end of the contract all the information that is related to the work of the ethical hacker must be destroyed to prevent the hacker from getting any unauthorized access in the future.
• Organizations must regularly check up on the activities of ethical hackers, they must form part of the team and not lack behind on what is happening in their business.

Organizations need to start to reconsider employing ethical hackers in their business environments. The employment of ethical hackers is not only good for the organizations, but is also good for the ethical hackers because they will be earning an honest living.

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