Why Do Agencies Hoard Information?

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The world of criminal justice is at a constant change. Many of the policies, such as maintaining certain security clearance and communication with outside sources are still in effect. Those same policies that are viewed as the code of conduct are a hindrance to obtaining optimal productivity within each federal agency. Why do agencies hoard information? This question opens the avenue of thought to many channels. An agency may choose to hoard information as a leverage tool. CIA, for example, has duties that range from collecting information to following up with the President concerning potential threats to national security. A fellow agency, FBI, follows suit with some of the same duties extending to white collar crimes. The sister agency, ATF, …show more content…

The different agencies must depend on each other more to maintain social order and national security. The sensitive information that agencies share across the wire can be detrimental in the wrong hands. Hence, the objections to openly share information. The system may require a revamp, or change of direction with communication. If charged with the task of giving advice to the Director of Homeland Security regarding the flow of vital information, one would take the simple approach. First, schedule a meeting to discuss a plan of action. The plan of action would require each federal department to attend a conference. The conference will suggest a more effective flow of vital information. Second, one would suggest that each department head designate the assistant or vice of their respective agency to be responsible for the transferring the vital information on to that department head. Bypassing, the many channels of communication, thus reaching the department head in a more efficient way. The process not only speeds up the flow but minimizes the risk of multiple transfers. Third, once the department head as the request of that information only then will contact be established with the requesting agencies` head regarding the exchange of information to be sent. Lastly, once the requesting agency has received the vital information it becomes responsible for maintaining the security and use of that vital information. If there must be some specific job order for transferring this vital information across agencies, then lobby to have each agency create a job specifically for transferring such vital information at a much easier

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