Why Did Theodore Roosevelt Never Become President

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Imagine how our society as a whole would be without many of the people that shaped history, for example, Theodore Roosevelt. If Theodore Roosevelt had never existed, it would make a lot of political changes in the United States. It would also mean that the American public and business would behave much differently. Our environment and natural resources would have been greatly affected too, theoretically. This article talks about the different changes that would have occurred if Theodore Roosevelt never became president. Theodore Roosevelt brought changes to the United States; one of the changes was with politics. If Roosevelt had never become President, then politics would have been different. The term “modern president,” was given to him because of his way of using politics to gain power. If he never went into office, then there would not be that Modern president to push America into a new era. His boldness and out-spoken nature helped usher in a new kind of president, one that stands against the big industries and speaks for the people. His use of the “square deal” helped the common welfare of the United States. Politics would be much different than it is now if Roosevelt had never been …show more content…

Roosevelt sought to change this, and help save the American ecosystem, and its inhabitants. If it wasn’t for the works of Roosevelt, then many of the national parks, bodies of water, and reserves that we have today, may have suffered from the many different businesses that would exploit them. Many millions of acres of forests would have been cut down for the growth of industrial economy. The lakes, streams, and other sources of water would have been polluted because of waste and sewage would be dumped there. Imagine if Yosemite National Park was another woodless landscape with lakes that are used as waste dumps. The environment would have been so much different if Roosevelt had not stepped

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