Why Did The Weimar Republic Collapse

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This week in our readings I had the ability to learn about how the Weimar Republic was created and what eventually caused it to collapse. I also had the ability to gain better understanding of what it took for the Nazi party to become popular in Germany and how Hitler got the power he had during his reign. Throughout these sections it seemed that there was almost always a struggle for power and that with every fall of a government that there was another person or political party that was more than happy to fill in the vacancy.

This idea brings us to the Weimar Republic. The Weimar Republic was created in August 1919 and occurred in Germany. Under this new form of government was created to replace the imperial government that ruled over Germany …show more content…

This new form of government eventually collapsed leaving an open spot for someone to take over. The NSADP and Adolf Hitler were ready to fulfill this spot in 1933. Once Hitler came to power he instilled something called a coordination. This coordination allowed the Nazi government to rule without having to listen to the constitution that was in place during the Weimar Republic even though the constitution was never officially withdrawn. This coordination was the turning point to the downfall of the Weimar Republic after its 14 year reign. Once the republic fell it left a vacant space in the government which was quickly filled by Hitler and the Nazi party as they gained popularity in …show more content…

During a speech Hitler stormed into the room and jumped onto the table and fired two shots and told the audience that the Beer Hall Pustch was taking place and that the National Revolution had begun. Hitler then took Gustav von Kahr, Otot Vo Lossow, the commander of the Bavarian Army and Hans von Lossow. This is where he told the men that he was the new leader of Germany and they were welcome to join him in this new government. The men were unsure of this and out of frustration Hitler threatened to kill them and then to take his own life. Hitler then went on to say that he was going to take over Berlin next. Hitler made on crucial mistake though. Hitler forgot to have someone guard the communication devices and with this mistake people were able to warn Berlin of Hitlers plan. When Hitler got to Berlin he was met by the police who ordered him to stop and when he refused the police open fired and within a few minutes the fight was over and 21 people were killed and another hundred injured. With this action Hitler was sentenced to jail where he spent only a small portion of his five year sentence. While in jail hitler wrote a book named Mein Kampf. In this book Hitler described his political policies and how he hoped to make Germany a better place than it already was.

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