Why Did The Trojan War Happen

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The Trojan war is a very controversial topic on if it did happen, or if it didn’t happen. Some archaeologists believe that the Trojan war was more than one battle, in more than one location, some people believe it is all a myth. Because there is no sufficient evidence that the Iliad is true, I think that it happened, but not how it was described in The Iliad. With the finding of the believed to be the city of Troy, to the jewelry of Helen, I still believe that the battle of Troy didn’t happen the way Homer described. Firstly the city of Troy has never been found, which has most people believing of the that the battle of Troy did not happen. All of the cities believed to be the location of Troy have some piece of the description by Homer in …show more content…

The lines between reality and fantasy might be meshed together, particularly when Zeus, Hera, and other gods become involved in the war. There is every likelihood that the Iliad and the traditions of the Trojan War, however immortalized in epic narrative, do indeed preserve a memory of actual events of the Late Bronze Age. In addition to the Greek literary evidence from both Homer and the Epic Cycle. More than three thousand years after the original events, some variation thereof, or misunderstanding and warping of an original story took place took place. In summary, there is no solid evidence the battle of Troy did or didn’t happen. In whichever way you look at it, it could be said to happen or not have happened. Archaeologists are still trying to find the exact location of Troy, or family of Helen. No genetic proof is available to prove anyone is real… or if it is just a myth. Overall some groups of people have spent years trying to prove that the battle of Troy did or didn’t happen, but Homer didn’t describe the truth so the factual evidence isn’t there to make one idea 100%

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