Why Desiree Went In Search Of Her Child

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Desiree is one of the few characters in the short story, Desiree’s Baby. The story follows the life of Desiree and Armand and their new-born baby. Desiree, who is the mother of a newborn baby, is the main character throughout the short story. Her character traits that are displayed in the story are; protective, loving, and careful. Throughout the entire short story, she displays these characteristics many times. Her characteristics help develop the outcome of the story and gives the reason why she did what she did in the end. The very first characteristic that Desiree shows is her carefulness around the situations she is in. The main reason why Desiree is so careful is primarily because she has a new born baby. All mothers that have a newborn are very careful because newborns require lots of …show more content…

This shows her concern for where her baby is and how she wants to always be around and with her baby. The second character trait that Desiree reveals is that of a loving person. As a mother to this baby, this is already what has given her this character trait. It is displayed many times throughout the entirety of the story. She shows her loving compassion by the sacrifice that she’s made for this baby of hers. She doesn’t want her child to grow up in the toxic environment of a plantation. Once again on page 209, it states that, “She went in search of her child”. She found the child with a nurse and took him from the nurse. She went to find her child so that she could take him away from the plantation. This act was purely out of love for her child. Love is a bond that can’t be broken, especially between a mother and her child. The third and most prominent character trait of Desiree is her protective instincts for her kids. The main reason behind why she is so protective is because of the situation where they are living. They are living on a southern plantation surrounded by violence and poor living

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