Why Cheating Is Wrong

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While most agree that cheating is wrong (Baird, 1980), students tend to neutralize this factor in justifying cheating behaviors (McCabe, 1992). (Bourassa, 2011)
Academic dishonesty is a growing issue worldwide. But why? What causes one to cheat? That is the question that is always asked, but never answered. So, using many different resources to discover the real cause behind academic dishonesty, I plan to not only give reason behind such behavior but to aid in finding a solution.
The issue that I’ve found that causes most research to be inconsistent when using different studies to create one general idea is that not all researchers consider cheating to be the same thing. So, to get a more accurate idea of what academic dishonesty is and the rates at which cheating occur I am only using research that has the same general idea as to …show more content…

(1992) concluded that 80% of cheating comes from two main categories. Whereas , Sunday (2000) stated that the behaviors such as plagiarism, getting answer to an exam from someone who has already taken it, and collaborating with work when individual work was specified was among the highest cheating rates. McCabe (1992) found that the most common practices include: failure to foot note, copying from others, padding a bibliography, and assisting others in cheating. Baird (1980) Indicated that obtaining test scores ahead of time, copying from others, allowing others to copy, and plagiarism are the most common forms of cheating. And Levy (2007) reported that more than 44% of students copy information from the internet without properly citing it. In all McCabe and Treviono (1993), who studied 12 different cheating behaviors, concluded that nearly 79% of students admit to at least one form of cheating. Whereas Bowers’ (1964), who used nearly 5000 samples from 100 different universities, found that overall only 67% of student’s cheat. Which brings on the question as to whether cheating is becoming more of an issue as time

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