Why Are We Still Limits Those With Down Syndrome Essay

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Why Are We Still Limiting Those With Down Syndrome? What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see someone who is different than you? Some people become un-comfortable or scared, but anything new is scary. Everyone is different from one another in some way, but let’s say this person was different due to their disability. Truthfully, who doesn’t have a disability? Believe it or not, having bad eye sight, or chronic back pain, or being double jointed are all disabilities. Of course there are some more severe than others and the one I am going to be focusing on is Down syndrome. I know most people look at someone with Down syndrome and automatically discriminate; I know this, because I used to be one of them. Society unquestionably …show more content…

They don’t have enough mental nor physical skill to do what we do.” He also brought up a few concerning questions such as “How would you react driving down the road, looking over to the car next to you, and seeing one with Down syndrome driving that car?” During our conversation, I started to put myself in his shoes. I can understand why most people would have disagreeing thoughts on this but, my view has me seeing that they can do whatever their mind sets them to do. There are plenty of adults with Down syndrome that do have the mentality to drive a car, become a college student, or even an Olympian. If they are not taking special classes to get there, then why not let them? Let’s say they grew up loving to swim, they loved it so much they wanted to do something with it like go to the Olympics. Most would say “that’s great, but we have a “special Olympics” for you”. Just give them a shot at what they really want to do! We should all stop limiting those with Down syndrome. A person with Down syndrome can walk, talk, play sports, go to college, attend high school prom, get married and follow their dreams just like we do. Just like us, they know what they want in life, and when their mind is set to it, they WILL do

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