Why Are Pennies Useless

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So, a while back, I was at the mall. I bought some stuff, and paid for it with cash.I got given some change back. In that change was a penny. I will never, in my life, use that penny to buy anything. I don’t ever use pennies. They will sit in my coin box until I do something with the all the pennies, like take them to a coinstar or something, which, by the way, is a leech upon our economy.. Until the year that I do that, that penny is useless. It isn’t contributing at all to the economy. Pennies are useless. And because of their uselessness, they deserve to die. They aren’t just useless to our economy, actually they contribute to the decline of the economy. There are several reasons why pennies need to go, and no reasons why they should stay. Also, getting rid of pennies isn’t exactly unprecedented. …show more content…

Money exists as a medium of transfer, so rather than bartering like savages, we can make exchanges much easier, using money as a medium. Money needs to have smaller parts so the price can be just right, but the units don’t get infinitely smaller, they need to stop at some level of subdivision. This relates to pennies, because it used to be that people could buy stuff with pennies, but today, pennies are worth a negligible amount. Pennies are worth less than 1/100th of a pack of gum. That is useless. Nobody is going to carry around 11 pounds of pennies to buy groceries, because that is just idiotic. So pennies end up just sitting in jars, contributing nothing to the economy after their brief, meaningless life, where they failed at their sole job, to facilitate some sort of

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