Why Americans Are So Fascinated By Serial Killers Summary

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Everyone has a way of seeing a subject or topic, including different countries that see things differently. Societies can see fear as a terrible thing, while societies across the world can see it as fascinating. A society can become more deeply interested in an unusual subject due to what they hear in the media, perspectives, and emotions. Media has shown that it has been a major reason for society to become interested in a topic that may seem unusual. In the eighth paragraph of the article, “Why Americans are so fascinated by serial killers,” the author shows that, “mass media recognized that they had an opportunity to capitalize on anxiety.cultural genres including true crime books, films, televisions, and even trading card companies quickly …show more content…

The media would use the information given by the government to get money. In many cases, the media is what helps spread these weird subjects in order for them to gain something from it, which is money. A society can become deeply intertwined with weird objects like serial killers due to their feelings and and emotions toward that subject.In paragraph 15 of the passage “Why Americans So fascinated by serial killers”, the author states that “ serial murders provides use with a funhouse mirror through which we can glimpse distorted but still accurate reflections of our fears, dreams, and values.” This can help the reader understand that people may find an unusual topic as something that they can relate to due to it showing a “reflection” of what they feel like inside. Additionally, in paragraph 13 the author states, “some serial killers could be presented as sympathetic figures by the media”. This reveals that even the mass media and government may use the feelings and/or emotions to not find a once unusual subject of being

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