Who Stole The American Dream Analysis

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Mohamed Awale
Economics of Social Change
Final Paper

The United States is in a state crisis, we live in a nation with harsh economic inequalities. These inequalities are not natural, but rather a structural system to keep those who are wealthy, richer and those who are doing well enough, poorer. The ones causing this, quoting Hedrick Smith writer of “Who Stole the American Dream?”, he states “In Arnold Toynbee’s analysis of the rise and fall of human civilizations, we Americans fall among those, like ancient Greece and Rome, whose most dangerous challenge comes from within-from the rifts and schisms that we have allowed to develop within our economy and our body politic in the decades since the peak of our power and prosperity from the …show more content…

However, now Smith argues we have gone a major change, where corporations are now greedier. He argues that our government has all, but abandoned the average American, in order to aid the corporations. The cause of this dis-connect came from an uprising in the business sector. This uprising called for more representation of private interest, in government decision making. Now, Smith argues that our nation’s crisis is caused by over reaching power of private interest. Roberts, a conservative, places his blame fundamentally on our nation’s “new economy”. Which he accuses as being empty world economics. On this he states “In an empty world, man-made capital is scarce and nature’s capital is plentiful. In an empty world, the fish catch is limited by the number of fishing boats, not by the remaining fish population, and petroleum energy is limited by drilling capability, not by geological deposits. Empty-world economics focuses on the sustainability of man-made capital, not on natural capital. Natural capital is treated as a free good. Using it up is not treated as a cost but as an increase in output.” (Roberts 46). On this principle, he talks about globalization and how U.S corporations are moving form nation to nation using up resources and cheap labour. By seeking manufacturing jobs over seas, corporations …show more content…

Our political system doesn’t represent the average American anymore and must be changed. Smith writes“Average Americans have become disenchanted and politically disengaged and, as a consequence, disenfranchised.” (Smith 411) And why shouldn’t they, the middle class is being ignored. As Smith notes here “When Larry Bartels of Princeton University analyzed a host of congressional votes in the 1980s and 1990s, he found that senators were “Vastly more responsive to affluent constituents” than to middle class and poorer voters.” (Smith 412) The rich get their voice heard while the poorer folks are ignored. To fix this injustice, Smith as two major points. First, he suggest we try as hard as we can to reduce the influence of money in politics. Second, he suggests that the primary system must be open to third parties. The two party system, held by the primary system, doesn’t represent the people. Its a congress of stalling and waiting. Smith notes the ugly use of filibusters by congress to stale bills that would help our economy. The most common offender is the Republican party, Smith writes “They put ideological purity ahead of winning short-run victories. Their technique has been to sharpen partisan divisions by exploiting wedge issues that play upon white middle-class religious voters, such as abortion,school prayer, and ERA (women’s rights), and by taking extreme positions and then wagon uncompromising battles on “anti”issues - anti-tax, anti-union, anti-gay anti-Washington

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