Who Is To Blame For The Great War?

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The Great War was a war marked by horrific technological advancements and a hitherto unforeseen spread of war across many nations. Ultimately, the Great War and the resultant “peace” would go on to lead to the second World War, a war unparalleled in atrocities, with one side clearly at fault and the other side seen as noble for attempting to stop the spread of casualties. However, the first World War did not have this same luxury, there were no noble and just men, only soldiers fighting a battle resultant of years of pent-up tensions between nations. In the Great War, there were no good or bad guys, despite the fact that Germany took the blame for the war and, as a result, created an uneasy and unfair “peace” that ultimately resulted in World …show more content…

Both of these wars contains a clear-cut “bad guy” side: Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Al-Qaeda. However, the first World War did not contain a “bad guy” and “good guy” side, rather both sides shared similar faults. Both the Triple Entente and Central Powers utilized poison gas, launching from “both sides in attempts to choke the life out of the enemy” (Frawley, 2017.) Poison gas, while not the most important technological advancement to come from this war, did reappear in World War II, despicably used by Adolf Hitler in internment camps to kill millions of non-Aryan citizens. The use of poison gas in World War I was equally as despicable, tainting both sides with evil (Frawley, 2017.) Many participants of both wars joined for two reasons: to honor their side of an alliance, and in the hopes that they would obtain more land. Russia upheld their end of the alliance to prevent Civil War (Simkin, 2017), while Great Britain, Japan and Germany sought to gain territory. Ultimately, all parties joining the Great War had a mixture of “good” and “bad” intentions; upholding their side of an alliance is seen as “good” while seeking to take territory away from other nations is seen as “bad.” Despite the fact that each side was equally responsible for the war and utilized similar methods, Germany was ultimately labeled the “bad guy” and forced to pay

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