Who Is Erhard Emulate The Social Market?

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Ludwig Erhard believed using the social market concept would work successfully with discipline and consistency. He applied a well thought out principles towards his post on the economic crisis. After the horrific years of the post war devastation Erhard tried to harness the social market with his simple but unique perspective without destroying the social circumstances of the citizens. Erhard was a German political leader who was recognized for leading the postwar economic recovery. He took on the role as the Chancellor and he helped push the concept of the social market economy into Germany. I believed this concept worked because of its consistency and it really facilitated the system when it was applied correctly. In this report I will be …show more content…

He brought forth the concept of the Social market after seeing the downfall in Germany economy. The social market created a system to connect to the free marketplace of capitalism, but still establish a fair competition between both social statuses. The social market allows certain policies to be flexible but also suited to all forms of social class. Solely the purpose of the social market is to create a scheme that offers help to people who desperately need it. This challenges the status of the upper class and it puts pressures on them to decrease poverty and open the doorways for the middle class. The decrease of the lower class would eventually open in the capital market and would give more opportunities to the lower class. Although there are many flaws in the system and people often do take advantage of the system, there still …show more content…

It was established to answer the adversity the country was going through. It created a system to compromise with the masses and to preserve the welfare state and the health care programs. Through these programs it was supposed to assure that it was equal opportunities and chances if you worked hard you can be rewarded. The system can bestow to those people who need a little support to get off the ground. It can weigh as stability until the person is no longer benefits from the system. There are bunch of success stories where successful people come from these lower income communities and benefited deeply from the arrangement. In my opinion is not to abuse the system, but use it as a stepping stone to acquire where you want to

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