Who Is Deborah Ellis 'The Breadwinner'?

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In the book The Breadwinner By Deborah Ellis explains the war on the Taliban and the Afghanistan's during 1996-2001 she made up a main character her name is Parvana. Parvana and her family lives in a very small room and, her family is educated and were very wealthy before the war. Parvana shows the struggles of how a war can change the way you are and relates to the people there. Deborah Ellis explains that a character can change a war just by being resourceful and breaking the rules of the Taliban. The historical event was that women had way more rules to follow than men, which wasn’t fair they couldn’t go outside without a man walking with them or they will be punished, they couldn't go to school nor be educated. Consequently, Ms.Werra …show more content…

Deborah Ellis wrote The Breadwinner to teach us a lesson about how we need people Afghanistan to keep fighting and be productive and resourceful. On page 136 the book said “At least in Mazar I can go to school, walk the streets without having to wear a burqa, and get a job when I’ve completed school.” (Nooria from the book said) Even though Nooria is moving to a different state or part so that she can actually have a life and marry someone to pay for her to go to school and also so that she doesn’t need to be trapped in that small room forever. According to the article “Women in Afghanistan: the back story” they said “They came together with the aim on, in making Afghanistan an Islamic state. The Taliban ruled in Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001.” On this hand, This is about what Deborah Ellis wrote The Breadwinner about. This was the actual dates of the war of Afghanistan and true facts about how terrible the war was. Even though on a professional side, “Women in Afghanistan: The back story” said “Banned from going to school or studying, Banned from working, Banned from leaving the house without a male chaperone, Banned from showing their skin in public , Banned from accessing health care delivered by men (with women forbidden from working, healthcare was virtually inaccessible), Banned from being involved in politics or speaking publicly.” Throughout the book, Deborah Ellis talked about all these facts and how they related to how Parvana (The main character in The Breadwinner) has to break all the rules in order to

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