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Thoreau's view on nature
Thoreau's view on nature
Thoreau's view on nature
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Recommended: Thoreau's view on nature
Sandra Garcia
Professor Lauren Bond
English 101
22 September 2015
The term “Sustainability” has many definitions. The most basic definition of sustainability is the capacity to continue or keep moving forward. A thing that is sustainable can be repeated, reused, or recycled because it still has resources to keep creating it. There are what are called the “three pillars of sustainability.” The three factors that true sustainability depends on is social equity, environmental preservation, and economic viability. (Wessier, 3). In order for there to be social sustainability, communities and people need to be treated equally for there to be a chance to eradicate global poverty and ending the environmental exploitation of poor communities
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or countries. For there to be environmental preservation, our human activities need to protect our environment, which is Earth. Finally for there to be economic sustainability, our development as humans depend on the long-term production, use, and management of resources which is a part of a global economy. Sustainability has different interpretations to different people. Many of the following authors of these essays or short stories have different examples of what they think sustainability is about. In Henry David Thoreau’s essay “Where I Lived, and What I Lived For”, contains many examples of what he believes sustainability is.
He states, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” (Thoreau, 29). Basically, Thoreau moved to a secluded place like the woods because he wanted to start living life. He thought that he needed to get rid of everything and keep only the necessities and goes on to say he did not want to die without learning to live in other ways. Another example he writes about is “Simplify, simplify. Instead of three meals a day, if it be necessary eat but one; instead of a hundred dishes, five; and reduce other things in proportion.” (Thoreau, 30). Thoreau believes that we need to live in the simplest way and have the least of anything as possible. Thoreau says, “I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to know it by experience, and be able to give it a true account of it in my next excursion.” (Thoreau, 30). …show more content…
Thoreau means that he wanted to get rid of the excess of life and not live in a life in a routine. He wanted to take risks and to reduce life to its lowest terms. If life turned out to be cruel, why should we tell other people about it or tell our experiences to others. We should let others live what life is truly about. Based on their own experiences they should make their decision. In John Muir’s essay “The American Forests”, he states many examples of what sustainability means to him.
Muir’s emphasis is about conserving America’s Forests. In his essay, he says that Indians only cut down what they needed but the “white man” does not think of the consequences cutting down too many trees will do to the environment. “Every tree heard the bodeful sound, and pillars of smoke gave the sign in the sky.”(Muir, 39). Muir believes that people are just burning wood for the fun of it. He also states in his essay that “In the settlement and civilization of the country, bread more than timber or beauty was wanted; and in the blindness of hunger, the early settlers, claiming Heaven as their guide, regarding God’s trees as only a larger kind of pernicious weeds, extremely hard to get rid of.”(Muir, 40). He feels that the people of this country got rid of trees because they wanted wood to burn to heat food and that the earliest people looked at trees as worthless or just a waste of space that was hard to remove. Muir goes on to say that we face consequences for having gotten rid of so many trees without necessarily needing to. “Clearing has surely now gone far enough; soon timber will be scarce, and not a grove will be left to rest in or pray in.”(Muir, 41). He says that we have removed so many trees without needing to that in the approximate future timber will be hard to find and you will not be able to find a tree to sit
beneath. In Rachel Carson’s essay, “The Obligation to Endure”, she provides various examples of her insight of sustainability. Carson uses this essay to warn the public about the long-term effects pesticides and to say that in the long run they do more harm than good. She states that, “Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species –man- acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.”(Carson, 49). Carson is basically saying that we, humans, have gotten such power that we can change nature into either a way that helps us and or that hurts us. Carson also says that the chemical, “Strontium 90, released through nuclear explosions into the air, comes to earth in rain or drifts down as fallout, lodges in soil, enters into the grass or corn or wheat grown there, and in time takes up its abode in the bones of a human being, there to remain until his death.”(Carson, 50). She means that many chemicals like Strontium 90 affect us because though the explosion goes up, it comes down to get into the soil where our food is grown. When we eat that food, it stays with us until we die. Carson goes on to say that even if we want to fix this problem, it will take generation to make it better. She says, “Future generations are unlikely to condone our lack of prudent concern for the integrity of the natural world that supports all life.” (Carson, 55). Carson means that future generations will not be able to grasp how we do not care what happens in nature. If the natural world starts to suffer, we will all suffer because it affects all of life, humans, animals and every other living thing
Thoreau conveys many points in his writing and a large recurring one is the state of society. As stated before, he believed that people are too focused on physical gain and modernization which leads them into desperation. He adds on to this belief later in the book asking that above all else whether it be money or fame he be given honesty (Thoreau 246). To Thoreau, the truth is more important than anything measurable in status. Thoreau believes that a minimalist lifestyle is a good lifestyle, similar to Mccandless. He speaks of how it is good that he can put all of his belonging in one pile in his yard because it removes the clutter from his life (Thoreau 85). He also says that his best quality in life is to want very little, because it keeps himself true to himself and keeps him from distraction. Thoreau also believes that every man should be one in himself not oppressed by the government. He says that everyone should be able to be themselves whether is is in accord with the government or not (Thoreau 240). He is essentially saying that the government should not be a part of people's life decisions only to maintain the
Thoreau went into the woods for many different reasons than McCandless. He decided to live in the woods so he could live deliberately. He desired to learn what life had to teach him and face only the essential facts of life without any other distractions. Going into the woods, would let him know that he had lived, so when he died, he wouldn’t regret never fully living. He wanted to figure out if this life in nature was mean or sublime. If it was mean, he hoped to publish his findings to the world, but if it was sublime, he would just know this knowledge and use it for his next excursion. Thoreau heavily believed in simplicity. He felt everything should be simplified, and that people were squandered by details. As he said, “ Simplicity, simplicity,
Henry Thoreau uses specific rhetorical strategies in Walden to emanate his attitude towards life. With the use of many strategies Thoreau shows that life should be centered around Nature. People live their lives not ever taking a second glance of what Nature does and has done for humanity and Thoreau is trying to prove his point. Humanity owes Nature everything for without it humans would be nothing.
We often focus on the unimportant and minor details of life. Rather than just going on about life peacefully, we tend to complicate things for ourselves by never being satisfied. Throughout the story, Thoreau uses rhetorical questions as a literary device. He questions the actions of those who surround him by asking, “Why should we knock under and go with the stream?” This is similar to asking, “Why make things harder for yourself when you can just go with the flow?” He asks, “Why should we live with such a hurry and waste of life?” This question is straightforward, simply meaning; we often tend to rush life without completely living it. Instead, we should rather pace ourselves and enjoy every present moment before it’s gone.
Henry David Thoreau is a naturalist, and enthusiast of simplicity, he expresses his passion for simplicity in his essay “Where I Lived, and What I Lived For.” He wrote this essay after living in the wood, he contrasts simple life in the wood from busy life in the urban area, through this comparison, he attempts to convince his audience that simplicity is better.
To conclude, Thoreau believed that people should be ruled by conscience and that people should fight against injustice through non-violence according to “Civil Disobedience.” Besides, he believed that we should simplify our lives and take some time to learn our essence in the nature. Moreover, he deemed that tradition and money were unimportant as he demonstrated in his book, Walden. I suggested that people should learn from Thoreau to live deliberately and spend more time to go to the nature instead of watching television, playing computer games, and among other things, such that we could discover who we were and be endeavored to build foundations on our dreams.
Thoreau distinguishes what he wishes his life was; he compares what he wants out of life to what he currently has. He says “I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary.” He makes note of how dear and important life is, and how he wishes to live in a way which he hadn’t been before, by making the most out of the life he has left.
In conclusion, by temporarily removing himself from society and thrusting himself into nature, we are better able to understand how Thoreau conveys his attitude towards life. He believes that in order to enjoy it one must free himself or herself from the high-tempo nature of society, live life more simplistically, and experience the reality that is hidden by all the things that are irrelevant in our
He didn 't believe that the world should stop work and live off the land, on the contrary, he believed, “The human dignity, wild life force and freedom were preserved within such a working process. Thoreau believed that labor was not only the activity that could bring material profits, but also a play which make man complete and developed simultaneously” (Ma 384). Thoreau 's work was experiencing nature and living transcendentally in order to share the quality of life that nature provides. We see Thoreau in many aspects of today 's society whether it 's Lisa from The Simpsons, a means of transportation, or political protests, they all follow a Thoreauvian idea of looking at the bigger picture and seeing what really matters. This way of thinking was created because one man decided that society was too mainstream and he moved off to the edge of town and reflected; people these days that do that are referred to as “hipsters” but the influence had to come from somewhere, and that was Henry David Thoreau. A closer reading of Thoreau 's works can put a new perspective on a common thing and provide a new outlook on life. Thoreau was not one to preach rather do something about it, not for the money or the fame but because of his “love of life— reverence for all the life in the
In the first section of Walden entitled "Economy," Thoreau develops his ideas of living simply and deliberately. He believed that "it is best to want less," and that "there is no point of living if it is not deliberate." By living deliberately he meant giving each part of life attention, whather in observing humans or nature, and living during "all moments of life." He believed that humans had only four basic necessities: food, shelter, clothing, and fuel. The object of each of these necessities is to "conserve an individuals energy." He also believed that "gluttony is bad," and so we should "only content ourselves with possesions that we need." Thoreau focussed on living deliberately, and stated "to settle, and to feel reality in its fullness, is the point."
In the first paragraph, Thoreau states that he wants to find a higher purpose to his life. He decides to live in the woods so that he can lead a simple life yet dig deeper into details that regular people overlook. He wants to absorb everything that life has to offer him.
Thoreau is a philosophical man that believes in individualism, freedom, and the love for nature. Many people of Concord and other travelers portray him as a person with strong beliefs that guide his lifestyle. He settled in Walden pond where he built his own house out of the nearby-standing trees surrounding his plot of land. By following his beliefs, Thoreau chopped down the trees, utilized the availability of the land to his disposal, and the most important factor; manages all of his expenses and revenue. To many wandering eyes, they identify Thoreau as a strong belief person that lives the life of simplicity, utilizing the limited amount of money he has and his resourceful mind to obtain the maximum usage of each item. In the novel Walden,
While Emerson never truly factored his transcendentalist ideals into his daily life, Thoreau made a point out of living out his days as a man free from society and connected to nature. In 1846, he refused to pay his poll tax to the government because he believed the war was unjust and did not want to support the government. In doing this, he showed that he remains strong in his own beliefs and will not agree with something just to conform to society. He also showcases Emerson’s philosophy on learning by forming beliefs based on his own life and morals, which were based in nature, receiving instruction from Emerson’s ideas on self-reliance, and taking action against something he believes is unjust. In an excerpt from one of Thoreau’s books, he says, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived” (Thoreau 16). What he is saying through this is that he wants to evaluate himself in the context of nature and understand what life is like in its purest and fundamental form. He hoped to gain a knowledge of the world and explore what nature had to offer and learn from his experience. Also, Thoreau is letting his readers know that connecting with nature is essential in finding yourself and
Thoreau craves the unsophisticated way of life. He agrees that too much stuff does not make life simpler, but more congested.
The main element of “Why I Went to the Woods” is nature and to live without distractions. In order for Thoreau to be able to do this, he went into the woods to be one with nature to make sure he was not missing what was really important. Thoreau presents his point by stating, “I wanted to live deep and suck out the marrow of life, to live so sturdily” (Thoreau 579). Thoreau wanted to live deep within nature, to take in all nature has to offer, and to get a deeper understanding of his own life. We all have an opportunity to have the same tranquility as Thoreau. Nature is one of the greatest gifts that is given to us freely. We could all have a deeper fulfillment by consuming the same peacefulness in our own mind and souls that Thoreau had. The society we live in today is complex and very dependent, opposite of the life that Thoreau had wanted to live. You do not need to have material items to have a fulfilled life, but a fulfilled spirit. We as a society have become greedy and selfish