What is Right and Wrong with Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe's Regiment

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The First thing to be analyzed pertaining to the book Sharpe’s regiment is that the basic idea of the beginning incident of the book where the British parliament does not want to send soldiers to the Spain or continue to fund the war. The book portrays this parliament quarrel as a major setback for the British fighting throughout the Spanish conflict. Throughout the beginning of the book Major Sharpe is fighting in Spain, but after the battle of Vitoria he needs reinforcements in order to continue fighting do to the losses in battle (the depiction of the battle of Vitoria will be addressed in depth later on). These reinforcements were not available and were not expected to come anytime soon. Major Sharpe makes the decision that he will personally return to London and attempt to obtain more troops on behalf of himself and the army’s in Spain. When in London the politicians do not want to give him his troops. The politicians featured in Sharpe’s regiment aimed to allocate more funding into the ships and sailors of the British royal Navy instead of fighting in Spain. They deemed the Navy as a significantly more important expenditure than the Royal army fighting the war in Spain, which Sharpe is a part of. The politicians articulate that a sufficient Navy will inhibit the British islands and therefore the country of England and the city of London from which they live and govern from being invaded by a French fleet and that goal is the only concerns appearing in the eyes of many citizens who take part in a ballot for the election of the politicians and the politicians who govern London. These people are not cornered about what is happening in a faraway land they want their homes to be protected.
The real life the British under...

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...n such a serous need for troops as Wellington marched in with over 50,000 men. A loss of just 3,700 men would not make the major impact the army the books leads you to believe. This would meant the book did get parts of the battle correct in the way of the description of the British tactics. The British did come in from the flank and make the French forces run. The book was incorrect in the fact the Sharpe would have been so desperate for more troops because the British suffered pretty light casualty’s.
Overall the book Sharpe’s Regiment was a very historically accurate book that was very good description of the war. It was however incorrect in its trying to prove that politicians in parliament would not support the war and that the army’s in Spain really need very much more support. But even with these flaws the rest of the book is very historically accurate book.

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