What is Political System?

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The definition of the term “Political Systems” is considered one of the most complexed things, due to the difficulty of reaching a precise definition of the political system, which is because of the ambiguity and the remote of classification that is raised for this political term.
The phrase “political systems” is a language of two words, namely: (systems) and (politics). The system is to arrange things in a particular manner, to achieve a specific goal. And the order’s assumptions concentrates on the general theory of systems, including the following:

That the system is a set of interconnected parts.
That the parts of the system interacts with each other.
That every part of the system can be characterized by a certain degree of independence from the other parts associated with it.

On the basis these assumptions the system is a (Central coherent result for a reason or an entrance towards the exit)
As for politics, it is an attribute that includes the use of power by the referees to be able to lead the people, to achieve the public interest for the community.

However the meaning of the term policy has not yet been declared, since scholars did not agree over one definition of it. For when used for the first time in legal expressions, it had multiple meanings; it was sometimes used in the sense of an individual citizen, and it was a characteristic for the citizen and his rights or the citizen’s life as a whole. And what’s intended with it is the life of the statesman and participation in public affairs.
It is also often understood in the sense of actions taken by a public authority, or the state constitution and it’s system of government.

Nevertheless, there is a degree of agreement on the policy relating to the authority of ...

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...e society, more that any other subsystem.
The political system interacts with other subsystems, such as economical, social, and cultural rights system, as it is the environment in which it moves in and on its basis.

The political system performs the following functions:

Determines the goals of society and the state, which is concentrated on the well-being and security.
Strengthens the community and ensures the participation of its people in achieving prosperity and security.
Merges the elements that make up the community, or unifications it, to enhance the power of the elements of the state and then ensure their interests and achieve their goals.
Matching between the political life, as a practice, with the legal, political and official rules, which legitimizes the political process, and then the political system itself.
Achieve justice and equality among others.

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