CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND What is LNG and what are the benefits of liquefaction? Natural gas is a major source of energy, but many towns and cities that need the energy are located far from the gas fields. Transporting gas by pipeline can be costly an impractical. As such, natural gas is condensed into a liquid at close to atmospheric pressure (maximum transport pressure set at around 25 kPa) by cooling it to approximately -162°C (-260°F) in liquefaction process. It is then called liquefied natural gas (LNG) and characterized as a cryogenic liquid. LNG is a clear, colorless, non-toxic liquid that can be transported and stored more easily than natural gas because it occupies up to 600 times less space. Natural gas is composed primarily on methane, but may also contain ethane, propane and heavier hydrocarbon. Small quantities of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, sulfur compounds, and water may also be found in natural gas. Nevertheless, the liquefaction process is also beneficial in the other way by removing some of the non-methane components such as water and carbon dioxide from the produced natural gas to prevent them from forming solids when gas is cooled to about LNG temperature or cryogenic temperature. Besides, harmful and corrosive acid gases will also be removed to ensure pipeline and facilities integrity and to avoid difficulty in downstream. As a result, LNG which is typically made up of mostly of methane as well as higher hydrocarbon percentage as compared to natural gas will be greater in value. In addition, LNG achieves a higher reduction in volume than compressed natural gas (CNG), which CNG reduces gas volume by about 200-fold. So, with same energy content of a given amount of natural gas, LNG has higher ... ... middle of paper ... ... CHAPTER 4 KEY MILESTONES & GANTT CHART REFERENCES energy value of gas mixture APPENDICES ABC
hydrocarbons that forms during the extraction of natural gas and is used as a thinning
Even in 2016, natural gas (utilities) is not widely available, which is just one of the reasons that the gas refrigerator failed to become a contender against the electric refrigerator. They also did not participate in the development as
pipelines. By-products are separated and cleaned at a gas processing plant. Dry natural gas is
It is a known fact Pennsylvania is greatly impacted by the Marcellus Shale. The Marcellus Shale is a layer of black shale located under the Appalachian basin from Prehistoric times. Natural gas and oil are being extracted from this layer for their increasing economic value, with natural gas having a worth of $10 for every thousand cubic feet of it. Furthermore, improved technology such as “hydraulic fracturing” and “horizontal wells” has made Marcellus drilling more efficient and has increased the implementation of the drilling as a source of economic opportunity for not only drilling companies but for the whole state of Pennsylvania (“Marcellus Shale”). An important part of this Marcellus activity is that “most drilling is occurring in rural areas” according to Joseph Morris, a poll analyzer from Mercyhurst College (Begos, Kevin. “Gas”). Amid the economic opportunity, farmers in these areas are resistant to signing over their farmland to drilling companies. Bradford County farmer Carol French, who wrote an editorial in The Patriot News, stated, “Has anyone considered how these gas developments and industrial uses on farmland will impact agriculture production for years to come if a farmer does not have the necessary means or information to negotiate protection measures?” She fears that drilling will ruin rural property and thus unnecessarily change or hurt farmers’ economic way of life (French). However, because of the vital economic benefits that Marcellus Shale drilling has for Pennsylvania, farmers in rural areas of the state should choose to allow drilling on their property.
Fuel prices is an area of concern for the motor carrier industry. Fuel prices are at an all-time high, driving the industry to make drastic changes. Individuals in the industry believe that by reducing the demand for fuel is the best way to address the current fuel issue. One of the leading alternatives to this fuel issue could be natural gas.
The task of this lab is to create and analyze hypotheses of the different relationships between the properties of gasses. These properties include temperature, pressure and volume. The ideal gas law is the source for many of these hypotheses and are tested through the various known laws of gasses. Such laws include Lusaacs Law, Charles Law and Boyles Law. The data, gathered from the results of the experiments mentioned above, was then graphed to show the relationship between the properties that gasses inhibit. The data provided was also utilized to derive a proportionality constant, k. Pressure rises when temperature rises, pressure rises when volume falls and volume rises when temperature rises. All of these outcomes were observed during the
LNG carriers, or Liquid natural gas carriers, are large tankers carrying liquefied natural gas. A relatively new industry, LNG carriers offer a promising alternative mode of transporting natural gas because the liquid state is 500 times more condensed. There are currently over 400 LNG carriers in the world, but each company in the industry is pushing those numbers. The key to this industry is to expand the amount of terminals for LNG Carriers, and this is the greatest barrier to both new entrants, and success. Overcoming this, and continuously looking for ways to make the extraction process easier, is the keys
The United States has become one of the leading producers of natural gas in the world, and now is an exporter of natural gas as well. As natural gas imports increase, the U.S. Energy Information Administration, ?Expects the United States to
Freon. The gas is partly liquefied by the pressure in the can, but there is a
Oil and gas exporting countries depend on shipping. Shell has shipping organization in London and specialist centers in Houston, The Hague, Singapore, Perth and Tokyo. Shell converts gas in to liquid form called Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and transports it across the world via ships. Shell is the largest LNG shipping operator. Shell operates 50 of the world’s 370 LNG carriers.
XTL (Anything to Liquid) is recently emerging phrase that represented all of technologies intended to convert any source of carbon to liquid hydrocarbons. These processes have at least three main steps: syngas production, Fischer Tropsch Synthesis (FTS) and product finalizing. Syngas production might be different from feed and technology point of view and these differences affect all downstream units partially. In this step, source of carbon converted to syngas which is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Origin of the letter X in the XTL phrase depends on this carbon source since B stands for Biomass, C for Coal (bituminous or non-bituminous), G for (natural) Gas and W for Waste (petrochemical wastes, worn automobile tires and …) [1-4]. Amongst these routes steam reforming in fixed bed reformers and partial oxidation in auto thermal reactors are more attractive in industrial applications (both related to Gas to Liquid (GTL) process) [5]. Although these processes seem completely different form syngas production point of view but they are almost similar in the next step, the heart of any XTL factory, namely FTS. In FTS unit syngas converted to chains of different hydrocarbons such as paraffin, olefin, oxygenated and …, by use of sutiable catalysts of iron or cobalt based. This section is the most important section of any XTL factory and in fact XTL is translation of the classical Fischer Tropsch Synthesis the language of industrial and commercial world. Finally the hydrocarbon products might undergo some finalizing steps to reach the specifications of the market. This is the final step of a XTL process and might be comprised of different units with a variation of complexness depending on the final product quality and perhaps...
... temperature of 112 0C also and a pressure 2.5 bar. Cooling water is used to condense the vapor exiting column. Remaining methane and hydrogen are separated in reflux drum where the vapor stream is combined with other gases streams. The overhead of first and second separator are combined to form fuel gas. The liquid stream exiting in the bottoms of the reflux drum is pumped at pressure of 3.3 bar for discharging pressure. The pump stream is separated in two streams. One stream is to feed to tray one of the column and the other one stream is cooled down to 38 0C in heat exchanger. Then, the cooled product stream is sent to storage.
Gasification products can be divided in fuel gases and non-fuel gases. The fuel gas (mixture of Carbon monoxide, Hydrogen and traces of Methane) is called producer gas. In particular, section 2.2 focuses on the non-fuel gases such as Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen, some hydrocarbons and water steam which cannot be utilized for combustion. Table 1 shows that according to the gasifier system and the gasifier agent, the biogas composition
From the 1970s to the 1990s, pipelines became far more versatile than before. More pipelines were being used to transport natural gas, such as carbon dioxide for oil recovery and other natural gas liquids for a growing heating industry. Pipelines were being constructed to gather oil and gases more than a mile beneath the bottom of the
made from oil and natural gas. Using plastics to replace packaging materials such as metal