What Makes Beowulf A Hero Archetype

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The Hero BeowulfEvery story has a great hero, someone who is above all mighty yet humble. When talking about the epic poem, Beowulf, one of the oldest pieces of English literature, the main character Beowulf fits the classic hero archetype. What makes Beowulf a hero are not only his traits of strength and might, but also loyalty and generosity. Each of these personality traits put together make him who he is and allow him to be a courageous warrior.To start, one of the most prominent characteristics of any hero is unbelievable strength. This trait is seen in heroes in literature and entertainment all throughout history. Of course, Beowulf is the epitome of the ideal hero, and displays his power and strength many times …show more content…

From slaying nine sea monsters while swimming and weighed down with armor, to ripping the demon Grendel’s arm from his body with his bare hands, Beowulf proves his strength in many ways. The extent of Beowulf’s strength is also shown while he is battling Grendel’s mother in her den when, “...saw he a blade of triumphant old-sword of Eotens—save only ‘twas more than other men...could bear at all—seized then its chain-hilt...[and] brandished the sword.” (chapter 23) This example clearly shows just how strong Beowulf is and how this quality makes him a hero. Another attribute of Beowulf that makes him a hero is his loyalty to his men, his kingdom, and his allies. The first time we see evidence of Beowulf’s loyalty is at the beginning of the story when he is sailing from his homeland to the land of the Danes, the reason for his journey being that the Danes had suffered the destruction of the demon Grendel. Beowulf came to their aid, not only for the glory, but also because he was loyal to

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