What Is Yann Mart's Purpose In Life Of Pi

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In LIFE of PI, Pi is the protagonist and narrator for most of the novel. He has an affinity with religion from a young age. Pi experiences an unimaginable adventure with a tiger for 227 days. Yann Mart uses indirect characterization to describe characteristic of Pi. Pi is curious about the new things and dares to explore. In LIFE of PI, Pi is primarily characterized as a person who has a strong belief and being persevering in order to deepen the theme of the story about faith supporting people to get through any difficult moments. Pi is a persevering, eager boy because of his strong spiritual power. The following quote shows Pi's thoughts to reflect his characteristic. "Now I will turn miracle into routine. The amazing will be seen every day. …show more content…

Amen" (LIFE of PI 233). "Turn miracle into routine" shows that Pi tries to comfort him and makes his life fill with hope. When he lives on the lifeboat alone, God in his heart helps him to forget despair and loneliness. God infuses him with courage. He eats raw fish and drinks his own piss in order to survive. "Put in all the hard or necessary" shows that Pi is a persistent boy because he never wants to give up. "So long as God is with me" suggests that he has enough power from God to support his own soul. If he gives up his faith, he will get lost in the sea. Although he spends several lonely nights, he gets the hope to live from his fertile imagination. "Or I thought of my family, of how they were spared this terrible agony. The blackness would stir and eventually go away, and God would remain, a shining point of light in my heart. I would go on loving" (LIFE of PI 288). The indirect characterization …show more content…

Pi's speech successfully shows his adamancy and fortitude. “Stop your trembling! This is miracle. This is an outbreak of divinity" (LIFE of PI 302). On the lifeboat, Pi talks with a tiger in order to eliminate his despair. "Stop your trembling!" shows that Pi tries to strengthen his courage in order to survive. "Miracle" expresses his fertile imagination and his optimistic emotions. When he survives in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the rainstorms are always coming suddenly. "Divinity" shows his Christian thoughts. He regards his adventure as “an outbreak of divinity” in order to avoid his negative thoughts. The speech of Pi reflects his adamancy and fortitude vividly. The following quote shows the response of other characters. "As an aside, story of sole survivor, Mr. Piscine Molitor Patel, Indian citizen, is an astounding story of courage and endurance in the face of extraordinarily difficult and tragic circumstances" (LIFE of PI 399). Living on the lifeboat, Pi encounters several difficulties. He has to live with the tiger and eats flesh fishes every day. "Courage" and "endurance" suggest that Pi has great inner strength to overcome his fear. He never gives up his persistent pursuit of the belief. His hopes overcome his fears. It reflects that he is a boy who has perseverance, and he is not afraid of any

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