What Is The Role Of Government In Fahrenheit 451

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Fahrenheit 451 can be connected to history on many occasions. The most evident parallel is the direct comparison of the controlling government and the dictating government of, North Korea. In this novel, books are totally illegal, no exceptions. People that are caught with books have no choice but to let their house be burned and spend time in prison. Books are illegal for the simple fact that the government wants their people to stay uneducated. This way, the people are ignorant and happy and there are no reasons for them to rebel or start riots. This same method is used by the supreme leaders of North Korea. These dictators don’t give their people the leisure of reading anything they want; instead, citizens of North Korea can only read books that their former leader, Kim Jong Un wrote. This prohibits North Koreans from becoming curious about the world outside of their tiny cities. …show more content…

Citizens in Fahrenheit 451 follow along with the idea that books are worthless and life is better off without them. The controlling government makes a life without knowledge seem like luxury. During Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, leader of the Germans, used propaganda to compell the people of Germany into believing that Jewish people were the reason that Germany had lost World War 1. Adolf Hitler created an army of Germans, the Nazis, that anilated the Jew population. Furthermore, another common thread between Nazi Germany and Fahrenheit 451 is the lack of self worth; people’s lives didn’t amount to anything in these dystopian

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