What Is The Friar Plan For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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Moreover, the plan that the Friar puts into motion by giving Juliet the sleeping potion, is a plan that ultimately results in the demise of multiple characters. The Friar plans to tell Romeo that Juliet has taken the potion so he can take her from the tomb and they can both escape the city of Verona, however this plan is not only a failure, but also a tragedy. This series of unfortunate events could perhaps be blamed on other characters or possibly even fate, however, without Friar Laurence, there is no plan to result in many deaths. Without Friar Laurence, Juliet never consents to marry Paris, Juliet never has access to the potion, and Romeo never hears this false message from Balthasar, “Her body sleeps in Capels’ monument,/ And her immortal

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