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How does television violence influence teenagers
Television violence in society
How does television violence influence teenagers
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Although previous research focused a lot on the effects of televised physical aggression on children, the effects of socially aggressive content received little attention. However, Martins and Wilson gave a new insight into this field in that they did a correlational study on TV watching in which they surveyed over 500 children and found that social aggression on TV has positive relations with socially aggressive behaviors in children. In addition, they also found that the relations are stronger for girls than boys.
Social aggression is a type of aggression that harms the target’s self-esteem and social standing (Galen & Underwood, 1997, as is cited in Martins, & Wilson, 2011) through direct or indirect actions via both verbal and nonverbal means. A survey shows that about 35% of adolescents engage in malicious gossip on a monthly basis (Wang, Iannotti, & Nansel, 2009, as is cited in Martins, & Wilson, 2011). It is also found that social aggression is more prevalent among girls rather than boys (Martins, & Wilson, 2011). Previous research found that TV with aggressive content leads to both immediate
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The study is the first to show that although the effects of socially aggressive content on TV differ by viewers’ gender, social aggression on TV alone can give rise to children’s social aggression at school in general. Moreover, this study also led us to understand the complexity of studying human behavior in that the researchers have to control for different moderator variables such as overall television viewing and gender to make sure the result is not a joint work of different variables. This research is also important in that it focuses on social rather than physical aggression and thus increases the scope of the study of the roles certain TV programs play on encouraging aggressive
The controversy over whether or not violence portrayed on television actually affects children or not has been playing itself out for nearly three decades. When some of the first results came out in the 60s and 70s that made the first connections between aggressive behavior and viewing televised violence, the TV and movie industries denied that there was a connection. When studies found the same thing in the 80s, the FCC opposed any regulation (Hepburn). A writer for Direct Ma...
Eron, L.D., Huesmann, L.R., Lefkowitz, M.M. & Walder, L.O. (1972). Does television violence cause aggression? American Psychologist, 27, 253-263.
According the Centerwall (1992), the average child aged 2-5 in 1990 watched 27 hours of
It seems like everywhere we as a society look today, violence rears its repulsive head. We see violence in the streets, back alleys, and even our schools. Violence can now be seen in many people's living rooms while they are sitting down watching television. Children and teenagers seem to be the most effected by violence on television.
With school shootings becoming a frequent occurrence in our country, we have to ask the question on whether or not the violence produced in children has been influenced by his or her surroundings. Could the violence seen in television shows lead the way to these actions? With these violent situations growing we have to start looking into this issue. TV programs should be held moderately responsible for the violent actions of children because they promote negative influences.
Research Studies Relating to Media Influence on Pro and Anti Social Behaviour There have been many studies of TV violence and aggression - partly due because of the increasing amount of violence being shown on TV, and partly because of the increasing importance of TV in our day to day living. Media influence on pro-social behaviour. Hearold (1986) found that despite the relatively few studies that have been carried out on the media's pro-social influence compared to its antisocial influence, the influences observed have been larger and constant for both girls and boys. This is seen as being largely due to have an influence on viewers where antisocial messages are not. Research has shown that children imitate many figures of pro-social behaviour when exposed to models displaying these behaviors in the media.
It is my belief that aggressive behavior in children is linked to the media, but also to the behavior portrayed by the people around them. Many studies have been targeted toward the link between aggression and viewing violence in the media. One well-known study was conducted by Albert Bandura and is known as the Bobo doll experiment. Research has shown that a child will mimic the actions of others if the actions are reinforced. “Albert Bandura argued that aggression in children is influenced by the reinforcement of family members, the media, and the environment” (Bandura, 1976).
is because how their teachers show them. With all of the role models how does
Aggression is a problem that is very common in many children and that if not addressed early enough would continue through adolescence and later on in life. Aggression can be caused by a multitude of factor, which is sometimes considered part of a normal developmental stage; never the less aggression can also be a symptom of a multitude of disruptive behaviors (Barzman & Findling, 2008). It is important that parents learn to deal with this type of behaviors and find ways to effectively modify the child’s misconduct; according to Barzman & Findling (2008) the intricacy of aggression needs to be addressed through complex assessment strategies.
The Effects of Media on Anti-Social Behavior“ The media are a form of mass communication, with the internet, radio, television, newspaper and advertising surrounding us, and therefore the media is increasingly blamed for violence in our society. Programmes such as wrestling and computer a game are blamed for aggression in playgrounds and films such as “Childs Play” have been blamed for murders such as that of James Bulger. The argument is whether media are positive and negative in influencing violence. There are several explanations of media influences on anti-social behaviour, one being that of desensitisation.
There is no secret that a modern day teenager’s life is built around the usage of technology. As a result of society’s heavy reliance on technology, social media has become popular amongst people who are “technologically advanced.” Though there is a wide variety of social sites that can be accessed through modern day technology, a few have become very popular. Social sites which have become widely popular among teens include Instagram, Tumblr, and Snapchat. These social networking sites provide instant social connection and emotional support while letting teens post and send pictures of their everyday life. Many teens look towards social media for emotional support and social acceptance. The continual usage of these sites are negatively impacting the self- esteem of teenagers worldwide since they heavily rely on social medias to portray images of what they believe is acceptable for the society we live in.
Television violence causes destructive behavior in children, however; television can be a powerful influence to young viewers in our society. Unfortunately, much of today's television programming are very violent. Many researchers like scientists, pediatricians, and child researchers in many countries have studied to find out what it is about television violence that makes it such a big affect on the way kids act and behave. Sometimes, children think that is a normal thing in our real life, by watching only a single violent program, which can increase aggressiveness on children and become violent, aggressive, and vicious.
Fisher, Deborah A. "Television Violence Contributes to Aggressive Behavior in Young People." 2007. Opposing Viewpoints. .
Furthermore, television violence causes aggressive behavior in children. Many people believe that children who watch violent television programs exhibit more aggressive behavior than that exhibited by children who do not (Kinnear 23). According to the results of many studies and reports, violence on television can lead to aggressive behavior in children (Langone 50). Also, when television was introduced into a community of children for the first time, researchers observed a rise in the level of physical and verbal aggression among these children (Langone 51). The more television violence viewed by a child, the more aggressive the child is (“Children” 1).
Frazier, Stacy L., and Others And. “The Effects of Television Violence and Early Harsh Discipline on Children’s Social Cognitions and Peer-Directed Aggression.” (1997): ERIC. Web. 24 Sep. 2013. .