What Is The Difference Between The Kite Runner And American Culture

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Khaled Husseini is an Afghan-American writer living in America and writes in English. He was born in March 1965 in Kabul, Afghanistan. His father was a diplomat for the Afghan foreign ministry. The foreign ministry transmitted them to Paris, but they couldn’t return to their homeland because of the Soviet army invasion. They moved to the United States, California in 1980. The Kite Runner is Husseini’s first novel, it was published in 2003, and It became an international bestseller book. It is the first novel written in English by an Afghan author. He is known for his portrayal of Afghanistan’s life and culture. The Kite Runner takes place in Kabul, Afghanistan. The protagonist is a young boy who is a child of a wealthy businessman. He struggles of a long journey of exile and displacement from his homeland via Peshawar, Pakistan to San Francisco, America after the Soviet invasion. Living in an Afghan …show more content…

This paper will focus on the journey of displacement and the contrary positions between Afghanistan and America. Further, this paper will also distinguish the different reaction between baba and Amir to the diasporic experience. In the first chapter, the study will discuss the diasporic literature and Edward Said on diaspora and exile, defining the term of diaspora, its relation to postcolonialism and the representation of diaspora in literature, and going to Said’s thoughts of exile. The second chapter will tackle Khaled Husseini as a diasporic writer through the protagonist Amir and his father’s diaspora. The third chapter will be about the journey of Amir and Baba in displacement from the homeland. The fourth chapter will discuss the contradictory life between Afghanistan and America, how baba loses his status and how the Afghans deal with different cultures. The fifth chapter will argue how Amir and baba have different respond to the diasporic

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