What Is The Charge In Lord Of The Flies

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A plane crashes on an island and a new society is started, but there are no laws and what used to be crime becomes the norm. In the novel, Lord of the Flies there are two characters that represent the herd minded part of society; people who will follow the majority, and these characters are Sam & Eric. Throughout the novel these boys follow whoever is in charge and obey their orders regardless of the task. One of the characters, Jack takes power from Ralph during the book and orders the tribe, in which Sam & Eric are involved in, to preform tasks and actions that are questionable under state laws. Analyzing these actions in criminal law could lead to possible charges against Sam & Eric, such as 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, and the endangering the welfare of a child. …show more content…

The possible evidence for the charge can be found when Ralph is thinking of the people chasing him within the tribe and he makes the remark, “they were somewhere in that line” hinting at previous friends such as Sam and Eric chasing him for his blood (Golding 196). This evidence shows support in the attempt of first degree murder, yet for a first degree charge to be made there must be acknowledgement of the act being made, preplanning or the idea of chasing after someone, and finally death of the targeted person. Since Ralph was able to live through the chase from the tribe, Sam & Eric couldn’t be charged with first degree murder since the intended target

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