What Is Revolutionary Changes, And Limitations Of The American Revolutionary War?

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The 18th and 19th centuries were eras of revolution and reform. The American Revolutionary War and its outcome finalized America’s freedom from Great Britain, and the new nation of America began to take form. This was a time of new rights, freedoms and life under American society and rule. Yet, not all people within America’s borders got to reap the full benefits of the Revolutionary War. Many minorities did not gain much from or after the war, because of discrimination, racism, fear, or standards set by the white men of America. One of these minorities was infact women. No matter what age, race or status of women during these centuries, they still did not have or gain their full freedoms. After the American Revolutionary War, women did not …show more content…

In the years leading up to the American Revolution, women did not have many specific freedoms or rights. They were viewed as lesser than men, an ideal that was evident far into the 20th century. This concept was a major factor in women 's lives as they did not obtain as many opportunities as men, more specifically free white men, in their home lives, work and society. Women were most commonly at home, and did not work. They were commonly depicted as weaker than men, and mainly as homemakers and mothers. The online article, “Revolutionary Changes and Limitations: Women”, lays out the common society, “At this time, women were widely considered to be inferior to men, a status that was especially clear in the lack of legal rights for married women.” Women experienced a lack of rights in many aspects, as men were viewed more able to take care of finances and land. Women who married had even less rights then those who did not, as married women found themselves legally in a state of nearly total dependence (“The Legal”). Men became more established and often flourished with their rights in society, yet women had little education, and most were illiterate. If any education was given, it was the mere basics. This …show more content…

As the many years before, American women had vastly less rights than men. After the Revolution, most women returned back to their jobs and/or duties at home, and women were no longer as socially involved as during the war (“After the Revolution”). The concept that women should only be housewives, and their job was to take care of the house and their husband became strictly prevalent again. Women’s voices were not taken as a serious contribution, and education for women was lacking. Sarah Grimke’s 1838 writing, Letters on the Equality of the Sexes, emphasizes, “Much that she does and says and thinks is done in reference to this situation; and to be married is too often held up to the views of girls as the sine qua non of human happiness and human existence,” (Grimke). Grimke writes on how women’s value is commonly determined by her marital status and home life, yet not one’s own being or ideas. She also depicts how the study of homemaking was more pushed than an actual education, and that women’s mental and physical labor is worth less than a man’s. All of these points were widely accepted in society in the 18th and 19th centuries. This did not however stop women from trying to advocate for their rights and freedoms. Women like Abigail Adams, Dolley Todd Madison and Judith Sargent Murray were open in their distaste for the current

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