What Is Kathryn Stockett's Inspiration For The Help

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Kathryn Stockett is an author best known for her novel, The Help. This novel took place in Mississippi during the 1960s. It is about a girl who wants to be a writer, but doesn’t know what to write about. She ends up interviewing the black maids in her town about what it was like to work for white families, and then writes a book about all of the different stories told by the maids. Each chapter was a new maid, and when the book was published anonymously, a lot of people, including her friends, became very mad at the author. It made them question who the chapters were written about. The events in The Help were very similar to what was going on in the beginning of Stockett’s life. She took the events that she lived through and made them her inspiration for The Help. When Stockett’s life started in Jackson, Mississippi, 1969, most of the events dealing with civil rights were already in full swing. She grew up with a maid named Demetrie in her white family home. Stockett claims that she was always the closest with Demetrie out of her siblings, and when her siblings grew up and started getting tired of hanging out with her and Demetrie, they got even closer. Demetrie was always there for her and she felt like she was where she belonged when she was with …show more content…

There was a lot of segregation between black and white people. There were different schools, water fountains, libraries, etc. Black people were thought of to be less than white people, and for this they were treated horribly. Most of them worked for white families, whether it was in their fields, or inside taking care of the children and housework. There were people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks fighting for equal rights for all people no matter what race they are. Even with all of the protests and speeches, most white people didn’t realize how much of a problem it was for a long time. It slowly got better and better, but the world is still not

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