What Is Auditory Hallucinations?

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Auditory Hallucinations: A Mental Disorder For many people suffering from a mental disorder they will at some point experience Auditory Hallucinations. People suffering from this will often experience voices that can be very distressing to that person and could cause that person to become withdrawn from society and will often isolate themselves from others.The hallucinations can affect affect any of your senses You might: see things that others don’t smell things that others don’t hear voices or sounds that others don’t. (Mind 2013) These hallucinations are a usual symptom of schizophrenia. Even though these hallucinations are more associated with schizophrenia, they also can occur in the general population (Geekie and Randal 2012). For people which here voices the normal response from a health professional is to label that person and to straight away prescribe them with antipsychotic medication. I am writing this dissertation to discuss the management of people suffering with auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia. I will be looking at different topics, looking into the therapeutic relationship, looking at different approaches to help that person and then working towards the ending of the therapeutic relationship. Chapter 1 of this dissertation, I will aim to look at and explain what schizophrenia is, the cause, the different symptoms and types but trying to focus on auditory hallucinations. Chapter 2 will focus on the building of a relationship with a person suffering with auditory hallucinations using Peplau’s model (1952). Chapter 3 will look at the holistic assessment using the assessment tools which can help identify the symptoms, risks and may then help address the patients needs. Chapter 4 will look at the differ... ... middle of paper ... ...ilepsy, dementia, neuro-infections. Withdrawal from substances such as alcohol and drugs such as amphetamines can also be associated with auditory hallucinations. These people without mental illness will be inclined to report that their voices will be positive and have a high level of control over the voices. They will also experience these less frequently and will have less problems with doing daily things than those who have a mental illness (Norman 2004). These Auditory hallucinations may be experienced in many different ways such as coming out of the ears, or being in the mind or anywhere outside the body. They will can occur at any time but will distance from low meaning having a experience maybe once a month or may be less to having them daily and all of the time. The voices can be very quiet like whispers or will be very loud as if someone is shouting at you.

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